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July 2017

The Importance of Diversity

In today’s social climate, issues surrounding diversity and inclusion are increasingly being discussed, yet, very few people are talking about how diversity affects the workplace from an innovation standpoint. Lora Allemeier, CEO of Ocean Optics, did just that at OSA’s 2017 Innovation School.

Added: 28 Jul 2017

Traveling Your Path

As a young professional, many career paths are available to you. From decisions about what level of education you should pursue, to whether you want to work in academia or industry, the number of options can be daunting. At OSA’s 2017 Innovation School, Amy Eskilson spoke about her path as a non-technical communications major to the CEO of Inrad Optics in “an unconventional but...

Added: 28 Jul 2017

Insights from a turnaround and startup guy

In today’s world, there are hundreds of things to think about when creating a new product or technology. Martin Seifert, CEO of Nufern, provided participants of OSA’s Innovation School tips on how to be successful in a new startup. 

Added: 28 Jul 2017

Image for keeping the session alive