Ultrafast lasers to DEI: a 40-year journey with Dr. Ursula Keller
Dr. Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich, took to the plenary stage at CLEO 2023 to share her 40-year career journey as a woman in ultrafast lasers. From ETH Zurich to Stanford, Bell Labs and now back at ETH Zurich, Keller experienced both academia and industrial research in ultrafast lasers.
Added: 08 Jun 2023
The backbone of the Internet, submarine and terrestrial fibre communications in South Africa
The Witz Optics Student Chapter and the Stellenbosch Laser Student Chapter, with Google, the Optica Foundation, SPIE, the SubOptic Foundation, Infinera, and WIOCC, organised workshops to educate attendees on how submarine and terrestial fibre communication works and how these networks make cloud computing possible.
Added: 19 May 2023
NASA’s mission: exploring the universe and educating the next generation
At ETOP 2023, Dr. Margaret Dominguez inspired the audience with her background in the optical sciences and the impactful work of her team at NASA Goddard. She describes renewed interest in space exploration, particularly lunar exploration. From Florida’s Space Coast, humans will one day return to the moon.
Added: 18 May 2023
Possible Through Light: perspectives from early-career professionals
As we commemorate the International Day of Light, we asked early career professionals their perspectives on this initiative and why they pursued a career in the optical sciences.
Added: 12 May 2023
Possible Through Light: Nobel perspectives on the International Day of Light
The International Day of Light (IDL) is a global initiative highlighting the central role that light and light-based technologies play across science, culture, education, and sustainable development, in areas as diverse as medicine, communications, and energy. As we look ahead to the next impactful year of light-based technologies, we asked Nobel...
Added: 11 May 2023