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March 2013

Photonics Integration and its future at Advanced Photonics 2013

At the time of peak in technological development, isn’t it frustrating to hear that most of the computers used in our daily lives do nothing more than wait for the data? It is sad, but true, that your Intel® Core™ i5 Processor with high-speed RAM or state of the art liquid cooling...

Added: 19 Mar 2013

Label-free imaging: What is it good for? Absolutely most things!

Say it again! And while one of the plenary talks in the Opening General Session given by Sunny Xie (Monday, April 15th, 8:00 to 9:45am in the Ali’Ii Ballroom) titled "Label-Free Vibrational Imaging for Medicine" might be a little less funky, I am sure it will be equally as...

Added: 14 Mar 2013

Image for keeping the session alive