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January 2014

5 Reasons We Can’t Wait for Quantum Information & Measurement (QIM) 2014

Greetings from Washington, DC, home of OSA headquarters, NIST, and the Joint Quantum Institute!  In less than two short months we’ll be converging on Berlin like a swarm of photon-hungry locusts for the 2014 Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) meeting, the latest in the OSA’s conference series for all things quantum and measurable.  But ahead of that time,...

Added: 30 Jan 2014

Beginning of a new era? Recent advances in biomedical optics light the way to long-awaited clinical

For decades biomedical optics has been touted as an ideal tool for diagnosing, monitoring and/or treating a vast array of health conditions owing to low-cost instrumentation, use of non-ionizing radiation, and incomparable sensitivity. All great characteristics; nonetheless, adoptions of optical devices in the clinic have been few and far-between. One could...

Added: 29 Jan 2014

Image for keeping the session alive