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July 2018

What More Can I do to Prepare for a Career in Industry

Committing to major career decisions can be tough in any stage of life, but especially for students. What field of optics do I want to study? Am I more interested in theory or experiments? What school should I attend? Which lab should I join? Should I switch labs? Should I pursue more education or a post-doc? Do I want to work in academia or industry?

Added: 31 Jul 2018

2018 Innovation School

The 2018 Innovation School kicked off on Sunday, 22 July. The school is a four-day intensive hands-on training course that is designed to teach aspiring innovators the skills they will need to pursue a career in innovation. The school covered idea formation and validation, different types of business models, customer discovery and much more. Top industry professionals were in attendance as...

Added: 31 Jul 2018

Creating an Inclusive Environment in Science

Scientists come from all different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. There is no demographic restriction to scientific study; the only thing that truly matters is one's knowledge and motivation. Ideally scientists should recognize the importance of diversity on a level that would allow it to transcend barriers other disciplines may not have the opportunity to, although in reality...

Added: 11 Jul 2018

Rainbows: From Science to Activism

In 1978 Gilbert Baker created the first rainbow flag as a symbol for LGBT+ Pride. Baker wanted a flag that could be a symbol of the global LGBT+ community and he chose the rainbow because he believed the various colors were a good representation of the diversity in the community. Baker believed this natural and beautiful symbol had an undeniable power and was certain of the design from the very...

Added: 05 Jul 2018

Image for keeping the session alive