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Photonics and Optics Breakthroughs that will Shape the Future
02 Jun 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
<p class="lead">Join us in person or online to hear about photonics & optics breakthroughs that will shape the future.</p> <p> Our invited speakers are technology and business leaders at trailblazing companies at the intersection of nanotechnology and optics. They are pushing the boundaries of photonics to build next-generation products and solutions that will define industry trends in the next decade. </p>
5G Networks for Rural and Remote Areas Applications
31 May 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
5G networks are being pointed out as the next revolution in mobile communications. Different from the evolution observed from 2G to 4G networks, 5G will not only increase the user throughput, but it will also introduce a large set of new services and applications. Of course, more data rate is expected to be provided by the enhanced mobile broadband, but other interesting services will make 5G unique. The support for massive machine type communication will boost the Internet of Things and it will provide more inputs for Big Data analytics. Ultra-reliable low latency communications will change the way we interact with mobile devices and it will support the Industry 4.0. Therefore, 5G is not an evolution, but it is an innovative and revolutionary mobile network. Although 5G is changing the mobile communications game, there is one gap that need to be surpassed, which is the connectivity in remote areas. This application scenario has important social and economic impacts and 5G should be able to address its requirements in the near future. Billions of people live in uncovered or underserved areas, unable to enjoy the benefits of the Digital Era. A reliable and cost accessible 5G for Remote Areas Network would offer the opportunity for these people to be included in the digital world, opening new markets for operators and new opportunities for vendors. Also, agribusiness is demanding higher efficiency from the fields and the ability to collect data and remotely control the machinery and systems (such as watering) is essential for improving productivity in farms. The aim of this webinar is to discuss the possibilities for 5G to support and address the remote area networks requirements and to present the major technologies that can help in this challenging task.
Full-Duplex Integrated Sensing and Communications for Distributed Systems
26 Apr 2023, 3:10 PM - 3:10 PM
As a next-generation wireless technology, the in-band full-duplex (IBFD) transmission enables simultaneous transmission and reception of signals over the same frequency, thereby doubling spectral efficiency. Further, a continuous up-scaling of wireless network carrier frequencies arising from ever-increasing data traffic is driving research on integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems. In this context, we study the co-design of common waveforms, precoders, and filters for an IBFD multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications with a distributed MIMO radar. In particular, we tackle a multi-target detection and localization problem in this distributed FD ISAC framework. This co-design problem that includes practical MU-MIMO constraints on power and quality of service is highly non-convex. We solve this problem using an alternating optimization framework and also propose a low-complexity procedure based on Barzilai–Borwein gradient algorithm to obtain the design parameters and mixed-integer linear program for distributed target localization. Numerical experiments demonstrate the feasibility and accuracy of multi-target sensing of the distributed FD ISAC system. Toward the end of the talk, we briefly touch upon our research on other ISAC topics.
Modern Phase Detection: Beyond the Lock-in Amplifier
19 Apr 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
During this special presentation, you’ll learn next-gen strategies for phase detection. We’ll compare traditional lock-in methods with the new wave of dedicated phasemeters, which can achieve wrap-free, noise-optimized phase measurements in applications from oscillator analysis to gravitational wave detection. We’ll demonstrate how phase detection on software-defined instrumentation allows for precise measurements and lossless interconnection of instruments. You’ll also learn how to overcome common lock-in amplifier challenges and see a demonstration of relevant use cases, including: ● Optimizing laser measurement and control ● Multi-frequency demodulation ● Leveraging FPGA processing for your experiment
Optica Silicon Valley Winter Event
24 Feb 2023, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
The hybrid event will provide detailed insight into how leading companies use photonics to change the future. The event will bring together industry experts, students, job seekers, and early-career professionals for networking, learning, and sharing.
Optica Celebrates Engineer Week: RGB & Skeleton Data: Some Research Examples
23 Feb 2023, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Video and skeleton joint points are widely explored for human activity recognition (HAR). On the other hand, various sensors are engaged in human activity and behavior understanding. Vision-based activity recognition are based on RGB, depth maps, or skeleton data. Sensor-based activity recognition methods are basically based on the data collected from wearable sensors having accelerometers, gyroscopes, and so on. There are numerous applications on HAR, however, healthcare, elderly support, and related applications become very important arenas with huge social and financial impacts. Due to the advent of various IoT sensors, it becomes more competitive as well as easier to explore different applications. The keynote will cover our works related to HAR approaches, highlighting healthcare perspectives and methods.
Optica Celebrates Engineers Week: From Photonics Innovation to the Marketplace
21 Feb 2023, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
This course covers the process of technology development in the photonics industry from the perspectives of both formal processes and case studies. Key aspects of the commercialization process, including intellectual property, new product development processes, technical marketing and team building, are treated in an interactive program informed by the instructor’s 15 years of industry experience in both large corporate research and development organizations and entrepreneurial startups.
How to become a Senior Member
15 Feb 2023, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Join us for this informational session on the qualifications to become a Optica Senior Member. Learn about the application process, reference letters, personal statements and more. Nominate yourself or a colleague today!
Optica RUMP Session
01 Feb 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Join us for a dynamic conversation with leaders from our industry! This no holds barred discussion will focus on the analysis of the real trends from the hyped significant trends in photonics. This session will not be recorded, allowing all to speak freely. Stay tuned as we confirm the speakers who will trigger our debate.
Optica VIP Executive Reception at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco
31 Jan 2023, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
We invite you to spend the evening with C-Suite Industry Executives from all over the world! Join us for a very special Keynote presentation from Chuck Mattera, Chair and CEO of Coherent. This event will provide the opportunity to make meaningful connections as you network with key contacts in industry.
How to become a Senior Member
25 Jan 2023, 4:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Join us for this informational session on the qualifications to become a Optica Senior Member. Learn about the application process, reference letters, personal statements and more. Nominate yourself or a colleague today!
The 2023 "Big Challenges Webinar"
10 Jan 2023, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
For Photonics, the new year dawns with vast opportunity tempered by substantial obstacles. Each week seems to bring new approaches and applications, from the first real rollout of autonomous vehicles, to novel virtual reality and augmented reality uses, to new forms of computing using photons and quantum physics, to ubiquitous sensors and cameras and other contributors to the world’s mounting flood of data. All in all, the production of photonic devices must increase by three orders of magnitude in the next few years. We must confront how to scale our industry to build and test the novel devices and assemblies that will make all this possible. In this webinar, we consider some fundamental requirements that have emerged, including large-area requirements for localizing, characterizing, optimizing and tracking optical component positions for test and packaging. Groundbreaking new technology addresses this, allowing fast processing of trays, carriers, circuit boards, and other large substrates. With throughputs as much as one hundred times faster than legacy technologies, this architecture is emerging as an enabler as the industry confronts the massive opportunities--and challenges -- of 2023 and beyond. <br><br> <strong>WHO WILL BENEFIT: </strong> Systems engineers, optomechanical designers, and anyone who employs precision motion systems for automated alignment, test, measurement, precision assembly, and optimization tasks. Engineers or researchers working with photonics, fiber optics, cameras, sensors, lasers, LEDs, MicroLEDs, or nanophotonics used in applications for aerospace, defense, machine vision, or semiconductors.
Optica End-User Workshop at Laser Congress
13 Dec 2022, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
At the Optica End-User Workshop at Laser Congress, speakers will be playing the roles of “end-users”. They will present their unmet needs in terms of, for example, laser systems, laser modules (pump diodes, beam delivery, beam tuning…), laser optics, testing/measurement equipment, …, necessary for their next steps of development. In a very interactive session moderated by Optica CTO, Jose Pozo, the participants will explore some room for collaboration. This Optica End-User workshop is mainly attended by industry representatives. The participant list will be circulated shortly before the meeting. Most of the companies will attend with either their CTO, Business Development Manager or Director of R&D.
Five Tips for Writing Winning Grant Proposals
15 Nov 2022, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
More than half of proposals are rejected for being “non-responsive.” This is because many scientists make the mistake of believing that a grant is a “grade”—that if their research is good enough, then a reviewer will give them money based solely on the merit of their research. The quality of a proposal is irrelevant, though, if the proposed research project does not align with the goals and purpose of the funding agency. A compelling grant proposal must be responsive to the topic, engaging to read, and easy to understand. This webinar presents five critical things a researcher can do to craft proposals that rise to the top of a reviewer’s stack.
Preparing for your Industry Career While Still in University
06 Oct 2022, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Working in industry is different than academic research in some important ways. Chances are, your advisor has only worked in academia and is not able to help you prepare for an industry career. I’ll give you some ideas for preparing for that career while you are still in university, so that you sound much more industry-ready in that first interview. Learning Outcomes This webinar will teach the participants the following: 1. How working in industry is different than academic research 2. Tools that industry uses but you probably haven’t learned in university 3. How to make your dissertation project sound more relevant to an industry hiring manager
Depth map estimation in 6G mmWave systems
04 Oct 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Characterization of Millimeter-wave channels is important to enable simulations, modeling and design of future radio systems. This talk presents how the NIST Communications Technology Laboratory is leveraging innovative measurement methods and equipment to shed light on millimeter wave propagation in real world environments.
GENERATION Z AND BEYOND - Co-evolution of human capabilities and intelligent technologies in the 21st century
22 Sep 2022, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
In the future digital technology will become an embedded enabler in everything. What if we started to design ICT for empowerment, equality, social sustainability, or democracy, instead of designing for capacity, speed, or effectiveness? Would it change how we see the role of technology in our everyday life? Would we have better products and services? Would we have more resilient societies?
European 6G Flagship Hexa-X update on 6G
24 Aug 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
European 6G Flagship Hexa-X has been working since Jan 2021 with a strong participation from both industry and academia. The Hexa-X vision is to connect human, physical, and digital worlds with a fabric of 6G key enablers. This talk will present the latest results from Hexa-X, including updated use cases for 6G, initial E2E architecture, addressing sustainability needs as well as updated technical enablers on 6G radio and sensing, connected intelligence and addressing vertical industry needs. More on Hexa-X from
Designing Your Own Career Path in the Private Sector
10 Aug 2022, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Scientists and engineers often struggle to plan a private sector career. Most of our professors have no experience designing an industry career path and can’t help us. I recall my own advisor telling me “If you go into industry, you are on your own!” But it’s not as hard as it seems to design a career path that is exciting, rewarding, and most of all, fits your own personal strengths and interests. In this webinar Dr. Giltner will teach you the process. Dr. Giltner has used his own career and have taught to many others.
IPv6-based 5G/6G, IoT, Cloud Computing and Blockchain
25 Jul 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
The new internet based on IPv6 The IPv6 Deployment worldwide is becoming a reality now with some countries achieving more than 60% user penetration with France (70%), Belgium (63%), USA (50%) and India (60%) at the top ranking ( and reaching double digits v6 coverage on Google IPv6 stats. May Autonomous Networks (ASN) reach more than 90% with v6 preferred or v6 capable: ( Over 2.5 Billion users are accessing Internet over IPv6 and probably not even knowing it. ( If this trend continues, we should achieve 90% by 2025 which would be the inflection point when the full roll-out of IPv6 becomes a strategic plumbing decision of the networks to move to IPv6-Only and start divorcing IPv4 from the Internet. The US Government has already set some dates to move to IPv6-Only by 2025. New topics are more on the lime light such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, 5G/6G, … However, these fields are taking IP networking for granted designing them on IPv4/NAT building non-scalable and non-end to end solutions. The IPv6 Forum is driving new initiatives to garner support and create awareness in these areas: