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Elevating its prestige, the Optica Senior Member distinction not only signifies outstanding contributions to optics and photonics but also underscores active engagement with the Optica Community. This distinguished status is distinct from Emeritus, emphasizing a current and vibrant involvement in shaping the organization's future. Members, with the option to self-nominate or be nominated, partake in a selective recognition that amplifies their impact on the forefront of optical science and technology. 

View the Senior Member Reference Guide or watch this video to learn more about the process and program.

Senior Member Application


Senior Members receive the full complement of member benefits and services plus:

  • Special Recognitions – Senior Members are identified in the Member/Individual Directory, on, in the Careers section of Optics & Photonics News and during Optica-hosted events.
  • Exclusive Member Programs  Exclusive programs and networking events for Senior Members at Optica events throughout the year.
  • Announcements  Newly-approved Senior Members are announced in: Optics & Photonics News, the Member Newsletter and and annual press release.
  • Senior Member Certificate and Lapel Pin – Recognition materials are distributed upon Senior Member status approval.
  • Letter of Recognition – Approved Senior Members may request that a confirmation letter be sent to their employer.
  • Senior Member Pin - This digital pin can be included on your website, business cards and other professional correspondence to indicate your status as a Senior Member. A physical pin is also sent to new senior members. 


Interviews with Optica Senior Members

Image for keeping the session alive