European 6G Flagship Hexa-X update on 6G
European 6G Flagship Hexa-X update on 6G
24 August 2022
Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC -05:00)
European 6G Flagship Hexa-X has been working since Jan 2021 with a strong participation from both industry and academia. The Hexa-X vision is to connect human, physical, and digital worlds with a fabric of 6G key enablers. This talk will present the latest results from Hexa-X, including updated use cases for 6G, initial E2E architecture, addressing sustainability needs as well as updated technical enablers on 6G radio and sensing, connected intelligence and addressing vertical industry needs. More on Hexa-X from
About Our Speaker: Mikko Uusitalo, Nokia Bell Labs
Mikko Uusitalo is Head of Research Department Radio Systems Research Finland at Nokia Bell Labs Finland. Mikko is leading the European 6G Flagship project Hexa-X. He obtained a M.Sc. (Eng.) and Dr.Tech. in 1993 and 1997 and a B.Sc. (Economics) in 2003, all from predecessors of Aalto University. Mikko has been at Nokia since 2000 with various roles, including Principal Researcher and Head of International Cooperation at Nokia Research.