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Onsite Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Preparation l Poster Template l On-site PresentationPoster PDF

This meeting will be held in an in-person format. Presenters are expected to print and post their own posters onsite. They are also encouraged to upload the PDF of their poster as supplemental material, which will be posted along with their published paper on Optica Publishing Group's platform.  No virtual presentations will be given for this meeting, and there will be no virtual poster gallery. 

Presenters MUST present on-site in order to be published.   

Poster Preparation

Posters should be readable by viewers five feet away and should display the paper title and authors and affiliations. The message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation. The following guidelines have been prepared to help improve the effectiveness of poster communications.

  • Initial Sketch. Try various styles of data presentation to achieve clarity and simplicity.
  • Rough Layout. Enlarge your best initial sketch, keeping the dimensions in proportion to the final poster. The rough layout should be full size. Print the title and headlines. Indicate text by horizontal lines. Draw rough graphs and tables. This will give you a good idea of proportions and balance. If you are working with an artist, show the poster layout to your colleagues and ask for comments. This is still an experimental stage.
  • Balance. The figures and tables should cover slightly more than 50% of the poster area. If you have only a few illustrations, make them large. Do not omit the text, but keep it brief. The poster should be understandable without oral explanation.
  • Simplicity. Resist the temptation to overload the poster. More material may mean less communication. Prepare a 6-inch high headline strip that runs the full width of the poster. Include the title, authors and affiliations on the strip in letters not less than 1-inch high. Post a large typed copy of your abstract.
Poster Template

There is no official poster template for Optica Events. However, there are a number of companies that offer free templates to assist you in creating your Poster PDF. The A0 poster size formatted vertically is the most popular based on the physical dimensions of boards provided on site.

On-site Presentation

Please note that poster papers are not supplied with electricity or audiovisual equipment.  Poster dimensions and poster setup and tear-down times for this meeting are published on the main For Speakers page of this website.  These details are also communicated to poster presenters with their acceptance notification. For most meetings, an eight-foot-high x four-foot-wide (approximately 244 cm x 122 cm) board will be supplied, but confirm the size on the For Speakers page or via the confirmation email you recevied from the Program Manager before preparing your poster for display.  You will also be provided with a sign indicating your paper number and push-pins or adhesive tape.

Poster PDF

All poster presenters are encouraged to provide a one-page Poster PDF. This is the same file that would be prepared to print for posting on-site. (See information on poster preparation and templates.)

Upload the Poster PDF file directly into the paper submission system at least one week prior to the start of the meeting. While instructions were provided by email, you may also access the system directly with the same link you used to submit your paper:

Select the "Alert" pop-up box that will appear in your account. The PDF is used to generate the thumbnails displayed in the searchable poster gallery. 

Image for keeping the session alive