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Hybrid Oral Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines — Virtual

Optica Virtual Background l Pre-recording Your Presentation l Uploading Your Presentation l Presenting Remotely l Hints and Tips l Zoom Options for Participants l Helpful Zoom Links and Tutorials

This event will be presented in a hybrid format with the option for speakers unable to travel to the meeting to present remotely during their scheduled talk time. This format will be facilitated using the Zoom web conferencing platform. If you have never used Zoom, instructions on creating an account and basic features are included in the Introduction to Zoom.

Optica Virtual Background

We encourage all remote speakers to use the Optica background when presenting—either live or in a prerecorded video. 

The Zoom platform allows you to customize your virtual background in Settings/Virtual Background.

  1. Download the Optica virtual background image or save the image displayed above (PC users: right click on image, then select "Save as"; Mac users: drag and drop image or CNTRL-click, then "Save Image As")
  2. Select the "+" button to add the image to your Zoom client.
  3. Select "Mirror my Video".

Note: Virtual backgrounds work best when you present in front of a bare wall with no bright light behind you.

Pre-recording Your Presentation in Zoom

Deadline to Remit: One Week Prior to Meeting

Note: In order to record your presentation, you must first download and install the Zoom client:

  1. Open Zoom. In your profile, click "Settings," then "Recordings." Be sure that Local Recordings is on.
  2. At the upper right corner, it will say “Host a Meeting.” Click on “Host a Meeting with Video,” and follow the instructions to download and run Zoom or wait for the meeting to generate.
  3. Be sure your audio and video are both on and working. The video is required in order to ensure a high-quality experience for the audience.
  4. The size of the webcam will be 224x126 pixels in the upper right corner. Once you start screen-sharing, your video will move to the upper right-hand corner and may potentially cover text or images. Please adjust your presentation accordingly.
  5. Become familiar with the Zoom tools available at the bottom of your screen. We encourage the use of the embedded laser pointer during the recording. For an example of a good recording, view the OFC tutorial, which has been made open access, thanks to the instructor. 
  6. Press the “Record” button.  Select “Share Screen” and begin your presentation. As a reminder, your presentation should not exceed 12 minutes for contributed and 25 minutes for invited (unless otherwise noted). If your presentation exceeds these time limits, it may be stopped before your conclusion.
  7. Once you have finished your presentation, you can select “Stop Record” and then end the meeting, or simply end the meeting, which will stop the recording.  It will begin to convert your video to your local system into three files: .m4a, .m3u and .mp4 file.

Uploading Your Presentation to the Submission System

Your presentation can be uploaded by logging into the ScholarOne system using the same link that you used to submit and answer presentation preference questions. This link will be resent to you in an email from Optica Events Management.  Follow the instructions below to upload your presentation. Be sure to record your presentation one week prior to the meeting. In order for your paper to be published, you are required to present (either in a live presentation or submitting prerecorded content).

  1. Once the recording is complete, use the submission system link to log in. Use the username and password associated with your Optica account to sign in. Your username is generally your email address. If you have forgotten your password, you may use the forgot password function. *User ID and password are case-sensitive. This means they must be entered on the login screen exactly as they appear above, using the same capitalization.
  2. Once you log in, you should have a Message Alert on your welcome screen. Click on “Respond to Meeting invitation.” If you do not have this alert, you can access your invitations manually. On the top navigation bar, select Messages. This should give you the option to see either emails sent to you or invitations. Select Invitations. If you do not see an alert box or any invitations in your Message tab, it's possible you have duplicate accounts in the system. Please contact and ask them to check your account. Someone should be able to merge them and get back to you shortly.
  3. Your invitation to make your presentation preference selection and upload your video should appear on your screen. On the left-hand side of your screen under ACTION, select View or View & Respond.
  4. A message providing upload instructions will appear once you respond. Please update your presentation preference if you have not already done so. The box to upload your presentation will appear at the bottom of the page. Upload your video by clicking on the “Browse” button located beside the upload box at the bottom of your screen. When you complete recording your presentation in zoom, you will see three different files: .m4a, .m3u and .mp4. You will only need to upload the .mp4 file as that file incorporates Audio, Camera and Content Slides (PowerPoint) all in a single file.
  5. Hit the SAVE button after you uploaded the video. Your screen will not close, but your answer will be recorded. On the bottom right-hand side of the invitation, select Accept Invitation. This will indicate in our system that you have completed the survey. If you have already answered a previous invitation in the system (for example, you have previously selected a presentation preference and you are now going back to upload your video), you will not see the Accept button. This is fine and will not interfere with your upload. Please note, you do not have to answer both questions at the same time and can log in to change your presentation preference and provide and/or to provide an upload at any point. 
  6.  If you need to update your video after the initial upload, simply log back in using the same steps and upload a new video. If you need assistance, please contact and make sure to include your presentation ID ##final_id##. 
  7. Depending on the size of your file, the upload may take some time, so be patient. If you need assistance in the process, or are not able to see the invitation or upload boxes, contact

Presenting Remotely

  1. If you have selected to present remotely, your presentation will likely be moved toward the end of the session to allow staff to seamlessly incorporate in-person and virtual talks.  Your talk will continue as scheduled. As with a physical meeting, each session will proceed in the order identified on the schedule.
  2. Each talk will be comprised of a presentation and subsequent, dedicated Q&A.
  3. Management staff and the presider will manage the order of the presentations and will initiate the playback of any presentations not given live.
  4. Each session will be presented in its own unique virtual conference room.
  5. At least one day prior to the scheduled session, the presider and all presenters for that session will receive a message from the virtual conference room that contains the connection information. The Zoom link will be unique to each presenter for each session and cannot be shared. 
  6. In preparation for the meeting, please download the test via the Zoom Test site ( For the best experience, please use your webcam and test your audio. Note:  For audio connection, you can use your computer audio/VOIP or dial in using the toll or toll-free numbers provided in the invitation. 
  7. If you are presenting live, you will “Share” your screen or document. Please ensure that your webcam is on so that attendees can see you during your presentation.
  8. Q&A will follow your presentation. The session presider will read questions submitted by participants.
  9. Please plan to join the meeting 15 minutes early in case there are issues to resolve.

Hints and Tips for a Successful Presentation

  • Click here for instructions on creating a Zoom account.
  • Test your Zoom connection ahead of time, especially your audio and video.
  • Ensure your microphone, headphone or speakerphone is near you. 
  • Mute your Zoom session or phone when not in use.
  • Avoid bright lights and windows behind you. 
  • Good light in front of you (on your face) will provide for a better image.
  • Test in advance any virtual backgrounds that you may be using.

Zoom Options for Participants

As a presenter or attendee, when you first connect to a Zoom room to participate in a session, you will be presented with the option to download and use the Zoom client. Optica Events Management recommends using this full-client version for the best viewing experience. However, we recognize that some organizations may prevent staff members from downloading and using it.

As an alternative, participants can opt to join via a web browser only. If choosing this option, you should use the latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported.

Presenters, please note that the web browser option is only if you are presenting your talk live. If you are using Zoom to record your content in advance, you must use the Zoom client or choose another recording method.

Helpful Zoom Links and Tutorials

The following links and documents may be useful as you prepare for your virtual presentation

Image for keeping the session alive