Optica End-User Workshop at Laser Congress

Optica End-User Workshop at Laser Congress
13 December 2022
Barcelona International Convention Centre, Room 120, Barcelona, Spain
At the Optica End-User Workshop at Laser Congress, speakers will be playing the roles of “end-users”. They will present their unmet needs in terms of, for example, laser systems, laser modules (pump diodes, beam delivery, beam tuning…), laser optics, testing/measurement equipment, …, necessary for their next steps of development. In a very interactive session moderated by Optica CTO, Jose Pozo, the participants will explore some room for collaboration. This Optica End-User workshop is mainly attended by industry representatives. The participant list will be circulated shortly before the meeting. Most of the companies will attend with either their CTO, Business Development Manager or Director of R&D.
After the event, there will be a “Cava” reception for the participants to network.
This event is free of charge for all Industry representatives. But registration is necessary.
To confirm your attendance, please REGISTER HERE.
Moderator - Jose Pozo
14:00 Arrival
14:30 End User presentations
16:30 “Cava” networking reception
Anthony Yu
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Area: Space Technologies
Malcolm Wright
(Jet Propulsion Labs) Area: Free Space Optical Communications
Takao Fuji
(Toyota Technological Institute) Area: Laser Science