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June 2016

AIO 2016: Focus on Dr. Garrett Cole, Crystalline Mirror Solutions LLC, US

What do you think people will learn from your talk as a take-home lesson?
I aim to give an overview of...

Added: 29 Jun 2016

Light Beyond the Lab: Putting Your Research Skills to Work

This is the second in a series of blog posts I’m writing throughout 2016 in my role as OSA Ambassador. In case you missed my last post, you can find it here.

Added: 29 Jun 2016

A New Force of Awakening

At May 30th, Doctor Yue Yang from Jupiter Networks, United States arrived at Harbin Institute of Technology and presented to the HIT OSA Student Chapter and the national key laboratory of tunable laser a great report about his research direction: High-speed optical systems and networking functions using orbital-angular-momentum multiplexing. Dr. Yue got his bachelor degree and master degree...

Added: 29 Jun 2016

Putting Your PhD to Work

The OSA Ambassador program
I’m excited to volunteer in the inaugural year of the OSA Ambassador program. Our goal is to further the professional development skills of our student and Young Professional members.

‘Putting your PhD to work’...

Added: 21 Jun 2016

The Cities of Lights: A Century of Optics in LEDs, NEON and Light

Think about the world’s greatest travel destinations – London. Dubai. New York City. Tokyo. Now picture them dark. Would any of these places be the same without light? The Optical Society (OSA), a global association of scientists and engineers who make lasers, sensors, cameras, LED, virtual reality and many other technologies possible, is celebrating its 100th birthday. One of...

Added: 20 Jun 2016

Machines Can Learn Ethics and Other Predictions for AI

Futurist Ray Kurzweil and Nobel laureate Steven Chu discuss artificial intelligence and accelerating technology at The Optical Society’s “Light the Future” program at CLEO.

Added: 17 Jun 2016

Curious Minds Learn About Optics and Photonics

SUSTC OSA Student Chapter organized interactive lectures about optics for little kids in Jinxiu Elementary School (11 May), SUSTC Experimental 2nd Elementary School (18 May) and Qianhai Harbor Elementary School (20 May). In these three interactive lectures, 16...

Added: 16 Jun 2016

Discussing the Future

Photonics in 2048 workshop was organized on 13 May 2016 in Copenhagen successfully. The workshop was held under the supervision of DTU Fotonik Innovation agent Monika Luniewska Jensen...

Added: 16 Jun 2016

Touring Labs

On Thursday, May 19th 2016, the Tel-Aviv University OSA student chapter conducted a one and a half hour event starting with tours in two optical labs followed by a social gathering, the second in a series called “OptiBEER”. The event included snacks, beer and hot drinks...

Added: 14 Jun 2016

AIO 2016: Focus on Dr. Torsten Frosch, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Germany

Dr. Torsten Frosch, who was recently awarded the Bunsen-Kirchhoff award for Analytical Spectroscopy, will talk about Raman Spectroscopic Gas Sensing at AIO 2016. In the following interview, AIO Young Professional, Sogol Borjian, asks Dr Frosch about his work and his upcoming talk at AIO 2016. 

Added: 10 Jun 2016

Image for keeping the session alive