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September 2016

A Meeting with Light

During the 2015 International Year of Light, the OSA Student Chapter of Université Laval volunteered to create a fully autonomous exhibition presenting the basics of light to the people of Québec City. Made of two informative banners and 4 interactive modules each displaying an experiment related to both fundamental and technological aspects of...

Added: 30 Sep 2016

Light Up the Outback - Bright Lights for Bright Minds

In August, two physics PhD students from Macquarie University, Australia spent a week visiting regional and rural high schools around New South Wales. Eight different schools were visited over the course of 5 days, in a loop of almost 2000 kilometres. Over 450 students and their teachers participated in the sessions. Each visit to the schools...

Added: 30 Sep 2016

Subwavelength Photonics Incubator: Day 2

Day 2 of the subwavelength photonics Incubator featured talks focusing on photonic crystal cavities and metamaterials. The program concluded with a discussion on the exciting new possibilities and applications of subwavelength photonics and metamaterials towards the fields of bio-sensing, wearable devices, augmented reality and autonomous navigation. 

Added: 23 Sep 2016

Subwavelength Photonics Incubator Begins

​The OSA Subwavelength Photonics Incubator, hosted by Pavel Cheben, National Research Council of Canada; Inigo Molina Fernandez, University of Malaga, Spain; David Smith, Duke University, United States and Weidong Zhou, University of Texas at...

Added: 22 Sep 2016

An Eye on the Future of Vision

During The Optical Society’s Light the Future centennial program in Medellín, Colombia on 24 August 2016, Susana Marcos, Instituto de Optica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain, presented “An Eye to the Future of Vision.” At this 25 year anniversary, optical coherence...

Added: 22 Sep 2016

How to become a great peer reviewer

Developing the skills necessary to provide effective reviews can take time. Fortunately, OSA has several great resources available to help you become a better peer reviewer. Here are some tips and links that will help you enhance your contributions as an OSA peer reviewer.

Added: 21 Sep 2016

OSA Celebrates Peer Review Week 2016 #RecognizeReview

This week is Peer Review Week 2016, and OSA is proud to serve as a member of the Organizing Committee for the initiative. The theme of this year’s Peer Review Week is Recognition for Review, therefore it was natural for our celebration to begin by recognizing OSA’s many hard-working reviewers.

Added: 19 Sep 2016

My Summer Trip to India

Over the summer I visited India, more specifically Kolkata, where I was a keynote...

Added: 16 Sep 2016

​OSA Science & Applications of Nanolasers Incubator: Day 2

Day 2 of the Science & Applications of Nanolasers Incubator included a session on Exploring Near-Field Effects before finishing up with section Reassessing Our Motivation for Small Lasers. Following the final panel discussion, the hosts wrapped...

Added: 09 Sep 2016

OSA Science & Applications of Nanolasers Incubator: Day 1

The topic of the latest OSA Incubator: Science & Applications of Nanolasers has become one of the hottest topics in the optical field. The semiconductor lasers with wavelength scale or below has been applied onto many real world applications, such as photonic crystals, nanowires, metal...

Added: 09 Sep 2016

Image for keeping the session alive