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Applied Industrial Optics Day 2

Applied Industrial Optics Day 2

Sogol Borjian Borojeni

Applied Industrial Optics Day 2, Tuesday, July 26th 2016

The first session of AIO on Day 2, “ID Photonically”, was opened by Egidijus Auksorius (Institut Langevin, France) with a talk on “Internal Fingerprint Imaging with Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography”. OCT in general seems to provide better images when surface is non-ideal. Full field OCT can acquire high resolution en face images at relatively high speed and can image the internal fingerprint with high accuracy.

Karl Klett (US Army Research Laboratory, USA) continued the session and he presented “3-D Digital Holography for Biometric Applications”. He shared their challenges to achieve a real-time 3-D holography method and all the phase correction in their data processing.

After a break for coffee, the AIO and COSI Joint Keynote speaker, Markus Rossi (Chief Innovation Officer, Heptagon Advanced MicroOptics Pte Ltd, Switzerland) led us into the second session of the day with his talk on “Miniaturized 3D Imaging and Sensing Modules”. After a brief introduction to Heptagon, the leader in human machine interfacing, and some examples of 3D sensing and imaging applications such as mobile, AR/VR, robotics, drones, surveillance and automotive, he wrapped up his talk with some of the new technology developments of Heptagon like the miniaturized time-of-flight devices, 3D rangers.

After a short break, attendees mingled around the Congress Poster Session, continuing the discussions from today's sessions and meeting the poster presenters from AIO and other Topical Meetings. Following the joint poster session, AIO took a very long lunch break, with no afternoon session, giving attendees a chance to sample some talks from other Topical Meetings in the Congress (or to see the sights of Heidelberg!).

Final session of the day, “MEMS and MOEMS the Word”, was opened by Thilo Sandner (Fraunhofer Inst Photonic Microsystems, Germany) talking on “Micro Scanning Mirrors and Enabling Technology for Applied Optics”.  Thilo discussed the limiting factors for high speed deflection of small, low-cost micro scanning mirrors and the challenges in their fabrication. Applications of this technology include lightsheet microscopy, in swept sources for OCT and in adaptive 3D cameras.

Norbert Neumann (InfraTec GmbH, Germany) closed Day 2 with a talk on“MEMS Tunable Fabry-Pérot Filters for Infrared Microspectrometer Applications”. Nobert introduced the various steps of bulk micromachining technology for fabrication of Fabry-Pérot filters for the mid- and long-wave infrared microspectrometer. He discussed the current developments in their design, for example, dual-band version devices with two movable reflectors operating in neighboring order, which lead to high resolution detection of HCs and CO2.

After the technical sessions, congress attendees gathered for the OSA Centennial Light the Future Speaker Series, which was followed by a lively networking reception.
Image for keeping the session alive