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AIO 2017: Focus on Dr. Brian Pogue, DoseOptics, LLC, USA

AIO 2017: Focus on Dr. Brian Pogue, DoseOptics, LLC, USA

Cushla McGoverin

What do you think people will learn from your talk as a take-home lesson?
Radiation therapy imaging and physics, and the ability to use single photon count imaging to capture unique light signals which have application to radiation dosimetry.

What do you spend most of your time doing?
I am an academic, professor of engineering science at Dartmouth full time, but also have a spin-off company, DoseOptics LLC, where we are trying to develop a commercially viable realization of Cherenkov dose imaging for radiotherapy.  However, the majority of my time is academic research, developments in areas of molecular guided surgery, cancer therapies that involve light and imaging in radiotherapy and radiology with optical spectroscopy tools.

When are you most fully yourself?
Working in a laboratory or writing grants and papers

Where would you like to see your research in 5 years?
In terms of funded research, things are flourishing right now.  So, I don’t think we could have a higher funding level than right now.  But there is always room to do better translation of ideas into products, and products into clinical trials.  I think amplifying the number of clinical trials that we initiate is my personal goal.

Which companies should be interested in your research and why?
Radiotherapy companies and radiation dosimetry companies should be interested in our work on Cherenkov radiotherapy dosimetry.

Is there a single word or phrase that would describe you?
Translational Biomedical Optics

What motivates you to do what you do?
Drive for research and innovation, but with a secondary focus on making products which can help medicine.

What do you think makes AIO meeting a remarkable meeting? Why do you think AIO is a useful meeting to attend?
I have not been to AIO yet, but look forward the direct focus on translation into products and reality, which is a nice departure from academic optics conferences. There is a real need for the interaction between innovation and translation, and making sure that each end of that development pipeline is in discussion with the other.

What is the question that you wish the attendees asked you after your talks and they never ask?
 Are there lower cost solutions for doing what you do?
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