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Subwavelength Photonics Incubator

OSA Subwavelength Photonics Incubator

21-23 September 2016
American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., USA

Pavel Cheben, National Research Council, Canada
Inigo Molina Fernandez, University of Malaga, Spain
David Smith, Duke University, USA
Weidong Zhou, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Program Overview
Subwavelength Photonics incubator focuses on controlling flow of light in optical materials structured at sub-wavelength scale, i.e. with structural dimensions smaller than the wavelength of light. Much of exciting progress has been made in this area, including subwavelength index engineering in integrated optics, optical metamaterials, index and dispersion engineered silicon photonic devices, plasmonic devices, high-index-contrast gratings, anti-reflecting structures, resonant and holographic metasurfaces, nanostructured solar cells, ultra-thin lenses and nanophotonic couplers, to name a few. 

Please click here to view the draft program agenda.


  • Philip Russell, OSA President, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany, Photonic Crystal Waveguides, Bloch Waves and Subwavelength Photonics
  • Siegfried Janz, National Research Council, Canada, Subwavelength Silicon Photonics
  • David R. Smith, Duke University, USA, Photonic Metamaterials
  • Vladimir M. Shalaev, Purdue University, USA, Subwavelength Plasmonic Structures

Scope and Featured Topics
The scope of this Incubator is to explore emerging methods for controlling flow of light in optical materials structured at sub-wavelength scale. The Incubator’s goal is to establish new directions for the development of these emerging photonics structures and search for new applications that would be enabled by these structures. Utilizing a combination of invited presentations and group discussions the key challenges in the field will be addressed and new solutions to overcome the present limits will be assessed including:

  • Exploiting subwavelength structures for photonics and integrated optics. Subwavelength structured effective media and metamaterials.
  • Subwavelength refractive index and dispersion engineering in waveguide optics.
  • Subwavelength patterning of optical surfaces. Antireflective gratings.
  • High-index-contrast gratings and metastructures.
  • Subwavelength grating and metamaterials for silicon photonics and plasmonics.
  • Subwavelength engineered nanophotonic structures for photonic integrated circuits.
  • Resonant and holographic optical metasurfaces. Broadband achromatic metasurfaces, collimators and lenses.
  • Nanostructured solar cells.
  • Form birefringent photonic structures and chiral media.
  • Nano-materials synthesis, processing, and integration.
  • Advanced lithography techniques for fabrication of photonics devices with subwavelength nanostructures.
  • Theories, simulations and design tools for subwavelength nanostructures and devices.
  • Emerging nanophotonics and design automation standards.


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