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Frequently Asked Questions — Hybrid Meetings

Frequently Asked Questions

Presentation Tips l Withdrawals l Virtual Program l Posters

Presentation Tips

How do I record my presentation? 
Refer to the virtual presenter resources for step-by-step instructions using Zoom technology.

How can I present effectively if I don’t have a stable internet connection?
We recommend you prerecord your presentation. You can record your presentation using the Zoom platform. During your scheduled presentation, we will play your recorded presentation and you can respond by phone to any questions.

For more information on recording with Zoom:

How do I upload my presentation?
Refer to the virtual presenter resources for instructions.

Upload the .mp4 Zoom recording file directly into our ScholarOne online submission system. Instructions will be provided to you from shortly after (or with your) acceptance notification email. You may also access the system at any time using the same link you used to submit your paper: Select the "Alert" pop-up box that will appear in your account.

Depending on the size of the resulting file, this may take some time, so be patient as the file uploads.

Do not wait to record your presentation until you receive this email.  As you are requested to upload your presentation at least one week prior to the meeting, contact and provide or confirm the email address if you are unable to access or view these instructions.

Will my paper still be published if I present live without a video recording, but my internet connection drops?

In order for your paper to be published, you are required to present. As such, it is preferable for you to also prerecord your presentation, which could be used as a real-time backup.

I can’t present live. Will there be a way for participants to ask questions?

To promote the interactivity and immersive experience so desired by meeting attendees and speakers, we encourage you to participate live, if possible. If factors prohibit your live participation, please be sure to place your email address prominently on your final slides and encourage viewers to reach out directly with questions.


If I withdraw my presentation, can I just present the next time the meeting is held?

We encourage your participation in the meeting. If you are not in a position to participate and would like to withdraw, you may submit to present at a future meeting. Please note, though, that your submission will be reviewed by the respective committee for decision.

If I withdraw my presentation, will I still have access to watch other presentations?

You may register for the meeting regardless of your participation as a speaker. However, we encourage you to present and share in this innovative conference.

The Virtual Program

Will there be Q&A for live, oral contributed presenters? If yes, how is it handled? 

Every oral contributed and invited presentation will include a Q&A segment, provided the speaker is participating live. The virtual audience will have the ability to enter questions into the “Q&A” box and also vote on submitted questions to assist the presider in selecting questions to ask. At the end of the presentation, the presider will read the questions to the speaker, who will then respond live.

How will I be able to watch other presentations?

Technical sessions will be presented live in the time zone indicated for the meeting with a recorded archive available later for on-demand viewing. To access the presentations, you must first register for the meeting.  All registrants will receive instructions on how to participate in the meeting on the Friday before its start date.

What if my company or institution does not allow me to use the Zoom web conference platform?

As a presenter or attendee, when you first connect to a Zoom room to participate in a session, the default setting for most technical sessions will be set for you to join the session within the embedded web browser. For best vieweing, you should use the latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported.

Presenters, please note that the web browser option is only if you are presenting your talk live. If you are using Zoom to record your content in advance, you must use the Zoom client or choose another recording method.


Do you have a template for making a Poster PDF?

The A0 poster size formatted vertically is the most popular based on the usual, physical dimensions for Optica meetings.  While we don’t have a specific template, there are a number of companies that offer free templates to assist you in creating your Poster PDF.  The following online resources can be of service to you:

How do I provide the Poster PDF for my presentation?

Upload the Poster PDF file directly into our ScholarOne online submission system. Instructions will be provided to you from shortly after (or with your) acceptance notification email. You may also access the system at any time using the same link you used to submit your paper: Select the "Alert" pop-up box that will appear in your account. Note: your Poster PDF should be one page only. 

The poster will be uploaded to the Optica Publishing Group platform as supplemental material to the actual paper. All registrants will be able to access both your paper and your Poster PDF from your presentation listing on the eposter gallery and the mobile app.

I am providing a 3-minute poster preview.  How do I provide this video summary?

The three-minute video must include a PowerPoint as accompaniment, which is limited to no more than four slides. No live presentations will be given, but presenters are able to participate in real-time chat discussion with attendees.. 

Refer to the virtual presenter resources for instructions on recording your three-minute preview. Instructions will be provided to you from shortly after (or with your) acceptance notification email. You may also access the system at any time using the same link you used to submit your paper: Select the "Alert" pop-up box that will appear in your account.

Do not wait to record your presentation until you receive this email. As you are requested to upload your files at least one week prior to the meeting, contact and provide or confirm the email address if you are unable to access or view these instructions.

Does the PDF have to be one page only, or can I provide a PowerPoint presentation that is multiple pages instead?

Yes, the PDF must be on page only for it to dispaly appropriately on the dedicated poster page. Optica has been archiving the PDF of the printed posters (when provided) as supplemental material to the technical paper on the Optica Publishing Group platform. The purpose of the PDF is to continue to offer this benefit, but expand it to virtual attendees by providing it prior to the conference. Poster presenters are also given the opportunity to provide a three-minute prerecorded video presentation (accompanied with slides) to encourage dialogue with the poster presenters.

Will there be live Q&A for the poster session?

There is no organized Q&A Zoom session for the poster session. However, poster presenters are highly encouraged to be available for real-time chat discussion with registrants.  Once on a unique poster page, there is an embedded chat window on the right next to the video file. Once you navigate to a specific poster page from the ePoster gallery, "Join Chat" and enable notifications. With this feature, the envelope icon on the website will be displayed and you will be notified anytime someone posts anything on the posters you have navigated to.  Join the chat discussion at any time and engage with the poster presenters.

Some poster presenters may also host their own virtual meeting room (through Zoom, Webex, Teams, etc.). If one is provided, the presenter will post the link to their virtual meeting room in the chat window. 

Will posters be published if we just provide a Poster PDF?

Yes, providing the Poster PDF will be equivalent to presenting in the virtual meeting. Your submitted paper will be published as well as the Poster PDF (as supplemental material).

How will people be able to see my poster if I provide a Poster PDF?

All registrants will be able to access both your paper and your Poster PDF from your presentation listing on the meeting app. In addition, the Poster PDF will be published as supplemental material to the technical paper on the Optica Publishing Group platform. 

Image for keeping the session alive