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Nonlinear Photonics (NP)

Nonlinear Photonics (NP)

24 July 2022 – 28 July 2022

The meeting scope covers both fundamental and applied nonlinear photonics with topics including: temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal nonlinear effects, experimental techniques, nonlinear materials, nonlinear optical systems, novel optical fibers and waveguides, multimode nonlinearities, ultrafast processes, photonic chaos, mode-locking and ultrafast laser sources, solitons and rogue waves, frequency combs, supercontinuum generation, pattern formation and dissipative structures, nonlinearity in nanophotonics, metamaterials, plasmonics, 2D materials, optical communication systems, high field physics, quantum optics and filamentation.


1. Nonlinear conservative systems and interactions in photonic structures

Temporal effects:

  • Nonlinear pulse propagation in optical fibers and waveguides
  • Modulational instability, temporal solitons and their interaction and control
  • Nonlinear pulse shaping, self-accelerating pulses and pulse train generation
  • Supercontinuum phenomena, harmonic generation, frequency conversion, UV and X-ray generation, and optics of few cycle pulses 
  • Dispersion engineering and nonlinear phase matching
  • Rogue and shock waves, dispersive wave generation, wave turbulence
  • Ultrashort pulse modelling beyond the slowly-varying envelope approximation

Spatial effects:

  • Spatial optical solitons, self-trapping, and self-guiding effects
  • Nonlinear modes and self trapping and solitons in discrete media, waveguide arrays and multimode fibers                    
  • Nonlinear surface waves and topological states
  • Nonlinear singular optics
  • Self-accelerating beams and novel beam shaping techniques
  • Optical analogue gravity
  • Structured light

Spatio-temporal effects:

  • Spatio-temporal solitons, X waves, non-diffracting beams
  • Filamentation, collapse, shock waves and extreme events  
  • Spatio-temporal beam dynamics in photonic structures
  • Nonlinear effects in disordered media, wave turbulence
  • Spatio-temporal dynamics in nonlinear multimode fibers

Parametric and stimulated scattering in photonic structures:

  • Nonlinear optoacoustic interactions
  • Optomechanics, stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering
  • Frequency conversion and synchronization

Nonlinear diffractive effects in photonic crystals and interactions in periodic structures: 

  • Bragg gratings in fibers and semiconductor waveguides
  • Nonlinear effects in photonic crystals and Bragg gratings, slow light
  • Bragg solitons and gap solitons in photonic crystals
  • Devices based on nonlinear interactions in gratings

2. Nonlinear dissipative systems, active and driven nonlinear photonic structures

Nonlinear interactions in optical cavities and microresonators:

  • Patterns, fronts and domains in nonlinear cavities and waveguides
  • Mode locking and dissipative spatial or temporal solitons
  • Polarization effects and vector solitons
  • Vortex solitons, optical turbulence, rogue waves and extreme events
  • Parabolic and self-similar pulses
  • Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in active media, semiconductor lasers
  • Optical frequency combs in microcavities and in passive/active fiber cavities, cavity solitons

Waveguides and resonators with gain and loss:

  • Nonlinear effects in parity-time symmetric structures
  • Nonlinear optical switching and unidirectional phenomena
  • Supersymmetry and lasers
  • Nonlinear waveguide amplifiers and amplifier solitons
  • Short pulse and quasi-CW fiber lasers

Nonlinear light-matter interactions and phase transitions in cavities:

  • Exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities
  • Cold atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensates in optical lattices and cavities
  • Nonlinear modes and light-matter solitons
  • Synchronization, coherence and laser threshold
  • Condensation with and without dissipation
  • Symmetry breaking phenomena

Active devices and lasers:

  • Laser dynamics, feedback effects, chaos
  • Models for lasers and amplifiers
  • Mode locking, new techniques
  • Novel laser structures and applications, lasers with novel functionality
  • Random lasers
  • Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, external cavity and photonic crystal lasers 
  • Nanolasers
  • Droplet lasers
  • Semiconductor devices (SOAs, LDs, VCSELs, VECSELs, QCLs)
  • Laser frequency combs
  • Raman lasers

3. Nonlinear nanophotonics, metamaterials, 2D materials and plasmonics

Nonlinear properties of plasmonic materials:

  • Nonlinearity enhancement
  • Surface nonlinearity
  • Nonlocal effects
  • Ultrafast phenomena
  • Self-sustained waves in plasmonic structures

Nonlinear scattering by nanoparticles:

  • Harmonic generation
  • Frequency mixing
  • Optical modulation

Nonlinear metamaterials and metasurfaces:

  • Nonlinear interactions and propagation in metamaterials
  • Nonlinear enhancement in all-dielectric structures
  • Dispersion engineering and nonlinear phase matching

Nonlinear effects in 2D materials:

  • Nonlinear interactions in graphene and other mono-atomic-layer materials
  • Topological phenomena
  • Nonlinear saturation, carrier effects and excitonic phenomena
  • Bandgap engineering and doping for nonlinearity enhancement
  • Perturbative vs. non-perturbative nonlinearities
  • Comparison of 2D vs. 3D nonlinear material parameters
  • Nonlinear interactions in waveguides and cavities enhanced with 2D materials

Finite difference time domain simulations: 

  • Full vector solutions to Maxwell’s equations with nonlinearities
  • Pseudo spectral computations
  • Novel algorithms for nanophotonic simulations

4. Nonlinear-optical devices and applications 

Nonlinear devices and systems:

  • All-optical communications devices and systems
  • All-optical wavelength conversion and signal regeneration
  • Ultrafast switching and packet-switching
  • All-optical signal processing and logic functions
  • Optical storage and memory
  • Slow-light phenomena
  • Optical beam cleaning
  • Dielectric and plasmonic metadevices
  • Microwave photonics
  • Photonics computing, Ising machines and neuromorphic devices
  • Ultra-short and ultra-long wavelength generation

Application of second-order nonlinearities:

  • Second harmonic generation
  • Frequency conversion
  • Quasi-phase-matching
  • Cascaded nonlinearities          

Measurements and microscopy:

  • Nonlinear measurement and detection
  • Nonlinear biophotonic devices
  • Ultrashort pulse characterization (e.g., FROG, SPIDER)
  • Optical sampling
  • Multiphoton microscopy        
  • All-optical monitoring
  • Nonlinear guided wave spectroscopy
  • Advanced imaging techniques, scattering assisted imaging, ghost imaging and superfocusing
  • Sensing
  • Optical trapping and manipulation

Novel nonlinear materials:

  • Highly nonlinear fibers (e.g. novel glasses and microstructured fibers)
  • Nonlinear crystals (including photorefractive effects)
  • Nonlinear semiconductors
  • Quantum-dot materials
  • Graphene and other 2D materials
  • Polymers and organics for waveguides
  • Fabrication of novel materials and structures
  • Physics and chemistry of poling including thermal and UV-assisted poling 

System modelling:

  • Stochastic effects in communication systems and error estimates
  • Advanced modulation formats
  • Nonlinearities in spatial and mode division multiplexing fiber systems
  • Mitigation of fiber nonlinearity impairments in coherent transmission systems
  • Nonlinear Fourier transform for optical communications
  • Optical networks

5. Quantum Optics

Quantum Optics:

  • Generation of single photons, 
  • Generation of squeezed, entangled, and other nonclassical states of light
  • Photonic transduction
  • Single-photon interactions
  • Nonlinear wave mixing with faint light
  • Single photon nonlinearities
  • Unconventional non-classical light and its characterization
  • Quantum technology
  • Cold atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensates in optical lattices and cavities
  • Quantum plasmonics, including electron-plasmon interactions
  • Quantum optics in integrated circuits and nanofibers

Quantum information:

  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum photonic chips
  • Quantum communications and cryptography
  • Quantum imaging
  • Teleportation
  • Quantum sensing
  • Quantum metrology



  • Warwick Bowen, University of QueenslandAustralia
    Absolute Quantum Advantage in Bioimaging Plenary
  • Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue UniversityUnited States
    Tunable Metasurfaces: Controlling Light in Space and Time
  • Lucia Caspani, University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom
    Integrated Microring Resonators for the Generation of Photonic Cluster States On-chip
  • Demetrios Christodoulides, University of Central FloridaUnited States
    Optical Thermodynamics of Highly Multimoded Nonlinear Systems
  • Katia Gallo, Kungliga Tekniska HogskolanSweden
    Nonlinear photonics in thin film LiNbO3
  • Rachel Grange, ETH ZurichSwitzerland
    Bottom-up and Top-down Electro-Optic Metasurfaces
  • Magnus Karlsson, Chalmers Tekniska HögskolaSweden
    Integrated Phase-sensitive Amplification
  • Alexander Khanikaev, City University of New YorkUnited States
    All-optical Nonreciprocity Due to Valley Polarization Pumping in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
  • François Leo, Universite Libre de BruxellesBelgium
    Soliton Dynamics in Coherently Driven Active Fiber Resonators
  • Bei-Bei Li
    Title to be Announced
  • Marko Loncar, Harvard UniversityUnited States
    Integrated Quantum Nano Photonics with Lithium Ngioabte
  • Mikhail Lukin, Harvard UniversityUnited States
    Title to be Announced
  • Ana Predojevic, Stockholms UniversitetGermany
    Efficient Quantum-dot Based Sources of Photon Pairs
  • Nicolas Roch, CNRSFrance
    Title to be Announced
  • Amir Safavi-Naeini, Stanford UniversityUnited States
    Integrated Thin-film Lithium Niobate Optical Parametric Oscillators and Combs
  • Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein, Ecole PolytechniqueFrance
    Structural 3D Imaging of Collagen-rich Tissues Using Polarimetric SHG Microscopy with Linear and Circular Polarizations
  • Kartik Srinivasan, National Inst of Standards & TechnologyUnited States
    Microresonator Optical Parametric Sscillators As A Flexible on-chip Coherent Light Source
  • Stefan Wabnitz, Univ degli Studi di Roma La SapienzaItaly
    Walk-off Solitons and Single-mode Spatio-temporal Attractor in Multimode GRIN Fibers
  • Thomas Zentgraf, Universität PaderbornGermany
    Nonlinear Bicolor Holography Using Plasmonic Metasurfaces



Miro Erkintalo, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Chair
Sergey Polyakov, National Inst of Standards & Technology, United States, Chair
Nathalie Vermeulen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, Chair
Klaus Boller, Universiteit Twente, Netherlands, Program Chair
Ksenia Dolgaleva, University of Ottawa, Canada, Program Chair
Silvia Soria, Ist di Fisica Applicata Nello Carrara, Italy, Program Chair

Nonlinear Conservative Systems and Interactions In Photonic Structures
Günter Steinmeyer, Humboldt University & Max-Born-Institute, GermanySubcommittee Chair
Elena Anashkina, Inst. Appl. Phys. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Ayhan Demircan, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Juliet Gopinath, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Bertrand Kibler, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France
Miroslav Kolesik, University of Arizona, USA
Friedrich König, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Anna Peacock, Optoelectronic Research Centre, United Kingdom
Pavel Sidorenko, Cornell University, USA
Youjian Song, Tianjin University, China
Pierre Suret, Université de Lille, France

Nonlinear Dissipative Systems, Active and Driven Nonlinear Photonic Structures
Síle Nic Chormaic, OIST Graduate University, JapanSubcommittee Chair
Amol Choudhary, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Dmitry Churkin, Novosibirsk State University, Russia
Yannick Dumeige, Université de Rennes, France
Martina Hentschel, TU Chemnitz, Germany 
Katia Shtyrkova, MIT, United States
Takasumi Tanabe, Keio University, Japan
Giovanna Tissoni, Universite Cote d'Azur, France
Logan Wright, Cornell University, United States
Yong Yang, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Nonlinear Nanophotonics, Metamaterials, 2D Materials, Plasmonics
Mikko Huttunen, Tampere University, Finland, Subcommittee Chair
Viktoriia Babicheva, University of New Mexico, United States
Hayk Harutyunyan, Emory University, United States
Guixin Li, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Nicolae Panoiu, University College London, United Kingdom
Sebastian Schulz, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
Maxim R. Shcherbakov, University of California, United States
Daria Smirnova, Australian National University, Australia

Nonlinear-Optical Devices and Applications
Sylvie Lebrun, Laboratory Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, FranceSubcommittee Chair
Margaux Barbier, University of Rennes, France
Neil Broderick, University of Auckland, New Zeland
Xin Guo, Zhejiang University, China
Dan Oron, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Myriam Raybaut, ONERA, France​
Samuel Serna, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Frederique Vanholsbeeck, University of Auckland, New Zeland

Nonlinear Quantum Optics
Paul Barclay, University of Calgary, CanadaSubcommittee Chair
Sejeong Kim, Univeristy of Melbourne, Australia
Arno Rauschenbeutel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Alp Sipahigil, University of California, Berkeley, United States
Mengjie Yu, University of Southern California, United States
Tian Zhong, University of Chicago, United States


Plenary Session

Warwick Bowen

University of Queensland

Absolute Quantum Advantage in Bioimaging

The performance of precision microscopes is constrained by photodamage of biological specimens. We overcome this constraint using quantum-correlated light. This allows bioimaging with clarity beyond what would be possible using coherent light.

About the Speaker

Prof Bowen’s research focuses on the implications of quantum science on precision measurement, and applications of quantum measurement in areas ranging from quantum condensed matter physics to the biosciences. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics, Director of the University of Queensland Precision Technologies Translation Hub, and a Theme Leader of the Australian Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems. His lab has significant efforts in using quantum light and quantum-limited technologies to improve biological microscopy. They also have active research efforts on integrated photonics, quantum control of macroscopic mechanical devices, and superfluid helium physics. Prof Bowen’s research is supported by the Australian Research Council, the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Lockheed Martin, the US Army Research Office and the Australian Defense Science and Technology Group.

Xi (Vivian) Chen

Nokia Bell Labs

Future Ultra-High Speed Optical Transceivers

Optical transceiver is one of the fundamental building blocks of high-speed optical fiber networks. We review the evolution of optical transceivers in the (short) history of optical fiber communications and share perspectives and view on how future ultra-high speed optical transceivers may look like.

About the Speaker

Xi (Vivian) Chen is the Department Head for Opto-Electronic Subsystems Department at Nokia Bell Labs. She received her Ph.D. degree on optical fiber communication in 2012, from The University of Melbourne in Australia. Her research interests include fiber transmission, modulation format, digital signal processing, ultra-high symbol rate signal generation and detection, etc. She is a senior member if IEEE, and a recipient of Young Investigator Award (2021) from IEEE Photonics Society.

Kei May Lau

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

III-V Lasers and Photodetectors on Buried Oxides by Lateral MOCVD Growth with Patterned SOI Wafers

For efficient light coupling between active and passive components for Si photonics, we developed the lateral aspect ratio trapping (LART) technology and demonstrated lasers and high-speed photodetectors grown on patterned SOI substrates.

About the Speaker

Kei May Lau is a Chair Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST). She received her degrees from the University of Minnesota and Rice University and served as a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst until 2000. Prof. Lau is a Fellow of the IEEE, OSA, and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. She is also a recipient of the IET J J Thomson medal for Electronics, OSA Nick Holonyak Jr. Award, IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award, US National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Awards for Women (FAW) Scientists and Engineers, and Hong Kong Croucher Senior Research Fellowship. She was an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (1996-2002) and Electron Device Letters (2016-2019), an Associate Editor for the Journal of Crystal Growth and Applied Physics Letters. Lau’s research work is focused on the development of monolithic integration of semiconductor devices on industry-standard silicon substrates.

Matthias Wuttig

RWTH Aachen University

Novel Optical Materials by Design: The Role of Chemical Bonding

Optical Materials with tunable properties enable a plethora of advanced photonic applications. To fully exploit the potential of this material class, design rules for the corresponding optical properties are desirable. Here, we identify stoichiometry trends in a wide range of chalcogenides and related materials. A quantum-chemical map explains these trends and provides a blueprint to design novel optical materials.

About the Speaker

Developing novel materials is the goal of Matthias Wuttig's work. In doing so, he relies on an unconventional approach, the development of 'treasure maps' to identify promising materials. This has enabled the identification of fundamental relationships between relevant material properties and the underlying chemical bonding mechanism. He is particularly interested in the design of materials for photonic applications, data storage and energy conversion. After his PhD he spent time in Marseille, Tsukuba, Berkeley, Murray Hill (Bell Labs) and the Research center Jülich, before he moved to RWTH Aachen in 1997. There he was speaker of the Strategy Council, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences and has been the speaker of the Collaborative Research Center Nanoswitches since 2011. He has received various scientific awards and funding for his work, such as an ERC Advanced Grant.


Special Events, Symposia and Special Programs

Fiber Modeling and Fabrication Technical Group Rapid-Fire Presentations

Monday, 25 July 12:30 – 13:30

Join the Optica Fiber Modeling and Fabrication Technical Group on Monday for this special event highlighting research being done in this topic area by students and early career professionals. The event will be an opportunity to hear rapid-fire presentations of the work they will present during the congress and network with your colleagues.

Welcome Reception

Monday, 25 July 18:30 – 20:00

Enjoy food and drinks with your friends and colleagues during the congress welcome reception.

LGTBQ+ & Allies Meet & Greet

Tuesday, 26 July 07:00 – 08:00

Join us for some coffee and a snack before the day begins for an informal get together to discuss being LGTBQ+ in STEM and how we can work together to create a more inclusive community. Chair of the Optical Devices & Materials for Solar Energy & Solid-state Lighting topical Klaus Jäger, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, will be on hand to share his thoughts and to hear from you. All are welcome, come meet others in the community and share your thoughts and ideas. For example:

  1. How can everyone be a good LGTBQ+ ally? 
  2. How can Optica can do better to help build a more welcoming and inclusive optics and photonics community?
  3. What kinds of programs, trainings or information could Optica explore to help continue to build on existing diversity and inclusion efforts?   

From Corporate to Startup: Careers Outside of Academia (CANCELLED)

Tuesday, 26 July 12:00 – 13:30

Curious about what you can do with a STEM degree outside of university? Unclear about the process and opportunities? Join us for the NOMA lunch hour where you will hear about three personal stories on career trajectories outside of academia.

The interactive panel will be split into two parts: first, the panelists will introduce themselves. Afterwards, there will be plenty of time for all your questions.

*This event has been cancelled*

BGPP Reception

Tuesday, 26 July 19:00 – 22:00

Join BGPP attendees and sponsors for a BGPP-only reception at John Mullins Pub in Maastricht. After a welcome beverage and brief welcome, network and enjoy drinks and hot & cold appetizers in this Irish Pub atmosphere.

BGPP-registered attendees only; RSVP required

Sponsored by: CEA, FiSens, TeraXion, Thorlabs, Photonova, FBGs and OFS Fitel

Early-Careers Networking Happy Hour With OPTICA Ambassadors

Tuesday, 26 July 19:00 – 20:00

Optica Ambassadors Tatev Chalyan and Aura Higuera Rodriguez invite Early Career Researchers (ECR), aka postdocs and PhD students, to network and talk about the opportunities and benefits OPTICA provides to ECRs, new programs for younger researchers and the path as Ambassadors in society. Light food and beverages will be served.

Congress Banquet

Wednesday, 27 July 19:00 – 21:00

Join your colleagues for a special evening at the only terraced castle in the Netherlands, Château Neercanne. The banquet requires a separate registraiton. Tickets are available for EUR 100.

International Year of Glass Special Session

In celebration of the 2022 International Year of Glass, please join BGPP, NOMA and NP in this special session dedicated to glass for photonics.


  • Rebecca Dylla-Spears, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, USA
    Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Composition Glass Optics
  • Heike Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem, University of Adelaide, Australia
    Novel glass development for Speciality Optical Fibres
  • Bastian Rapp, Freiburg University, Germany
    “Glassomer,” a Novel Glass Manufacturing Process of Silica with Polymers
  • Eric Van Stryland, CREOL, USA
    Determination of Nuclear and Bound-Electronic Contributions to N-2: Historical Overview

Quantum Communications and Computing Systems

This Joint Symposium is the result of the cooperation between the Networks, SPPCom, and NP topical meetings.

Secure quantum networks and quantum computers are among the hottest R&D topics in the information processing and communications field. Emerging quantum technologies such as the advent of 127-qubit processors, progress in quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution, as well as network connectivity between quantum computers and sensors over quantum networks, have opened up novel application areas. Error correction and fault tolerance, however, still remain very challenging, and do not yet come close to the capabilities of classical systems.

While quantum technology will not eliminate the conventional way of computing and information processing/communication, some problems and applications ask for the specific advantages offered uniquely by quantum technology: The handling of problems beyond-classical computational complexity and speed, as well as quantum security. It is also in this context that optical technologies, and in particular integrated photonics, will play a significant role.

This symposium aims at reporting and discussing trends in practical applications of photonic quantum technologies and fosters the interaction of classical and quantum photonic researchers.

  • Angela Sara Cacciapuoti, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
    The Quantum Internet: The Quest for a Network-Paradigm Shift
  • Marko Loncar, Harvard University, USA
    Integrated Quantum Nano Photonics with Lithium Niobate
  • William Munro, NTT Basic Research Labs, Japan
    Photonic Quantum Computing and Tomorrow's Quantum Internet
  • Prineha Narang, Harvard University, USA
  • Stefano Pirandola, University of York, UnitedKingdom
    Building Quantum-Safe Networks
  • Sergey Polyakov, NIST, USA
    Quantum-Enhanced Data Links
  • Srinivasan Kartik, NIST, USA
    Microresonator Optical parametric Oscillators as a Flexible On-Chip Coherent Light Source
  • Jelena Vučković, Stanford Univ., USA
    Scalable Semiconductor Quantum Systems

Quantum Materials and Fabrication Technologies

This Joint Symposium is the result of the cooperation between the IPR and NOMA topical meetings.


  • Shamsul Arafin, ECE, Ohio State Univ., USA
  • Matteo Clerici, University of Glasgow, UnitedKingdom
  • Mikhail Kats, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
  • Masahiro Nada, NTT Device Technology Labs, Japan
  • Judith Su, Univ. of Arizona, USA
  • Noelia Vico Trivino, IBM Research-Zurich, Switzerland


  • Igor Aharonich, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
    Hexagonal Boron Nitride – Emerging Platform for Quantum Photonics
  • Andrew Forbes, University of Witwatersrand, SouthAfrica
    High-Dimensional Quantum State Engineering with Structured Photons
  • Gregor Koblmüller, Technische Universität Munchen, Germany
    Quantum Nanowire Integrated Photonic Circuits
  • Karan Mehta, Cornell University, USA
    Integrated Photonic Control of Trapped-ion Quantum Systems

SDM Challenges and Perspectives

The sustained traffic growth in the different optical networks segments makes activating additional spatial dimensions essential. Space-division multiplexing (SDM) solutions include multicore fibers, multimode fibers, or cables with a high number of single-mode fibers. SDM transmission can be carried out without channel coupling (e.g., over single-mode fiber bundles or uncoupled multicore fibers) or with channel coupling (e.g., over few-mode fibers or coupled multicore fibers).  While uncoupled SDM enables easier integration with the existing transmission, amplification, and detection technologies, coupled transmission can offer component integration gains and cost savings. Uncoupled transmission seems to gain momentum in specific network segments, such as submarine space. On the other hand, the transmission of coupled signals remains a research topic raising interest from new players. This special session will discuss the challenges and perspectives of introducing SDM in optical systems and networks, bringing together experts from industry and academia working in the field.


  • Darli A. A. Mello, Unicamp, Brazil
  • Filipe M. Ferreira, University College London, UnitedKingdom
  • Georg Rademacher, NICT, Japan

SDM and Multi-Band Networks: Competing or Complementary Approaches?

In recent years, both new optical fiber transmission windows (O/E/S-band) and new optical fibers carrying orthogonal data channels have been widely explored as technologies to meet the ever-increasing demand for new data services. Broadly termed as "multi-band" or "space-division multiplexing (SDM)" these approaches both cover a range of technologies targeted in a variety of network contexts. In some areas multi-band and SDM technologies may complement each other or exist as part of the same network evolution strategy, whereas in many areas operators may face a direct choice between competing technologies.

In this workshop, we explore the intersection between multi-band and SDM technologies. With a range of expert speakers from industry and academia we aim to identify in which network contexts these approaches lead to competing technologies, if either has clear advantages, and where synergies between them may lie. In addition to exploring the latest research results and trends of these technologies, the workshop also invites operators to give their view on their commercial potential.


  • Ben Puttnam, NICT, Japan
  • Lidia Galdino, Univ. College of London, UnitedKingdom
  • Antonio Napoli, Infinera, Germany
  • Haoshuo Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA

Part 1: Components

  • Jose Enrique Antonio-Lopez, University of Central Florida, USA
  • Robert Emmerich, Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Inst., Germany
  • Takeshi Hoshida, Fujitsu Ltd., Japan
  • Georg Rademacher, NICT, Japan
  • Lutz Rapp, ADVA SE, Germany
  • Eric Sillekens, University College London, UnitedKingdom

Part 2: Networks

  • Lara Garret, TE SubCom, USA
  • Julia Larikova, Infinera, USA
  • Sergejs Makovejs, Corning, UnitedKingdom
  • Yutaka Miyamoto, NTT Corporation, Japan
  • Ioannis Tomkos, University of Patras, Greece

Symposium in Honor of Nicolaas Bloembergen

Nicolaas Bloembergen was a pioneer and founder of the field of Nonlinear Optics, for which he received the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics. Among his other remarkable achievements are the proposing and demonstrating of a three-level pumping scheme to achieve population inversion in laser systems, and his research contributions on ultrafast laser interactions with matter. Nonlinear optics became a revolutionary field of optics that has applications in medicine, spectroscopy, information and communication systems, optical metrology, chemical, and biological sensing, and quantum photonics, to name a few. Please join us in celebrating the life and achievements of the Dutch-born physicist and Nobel Laureate, who received his Nobel Prize 40 years ago. We will hear from people who remember working with Nicolaas.


  • Ksenia Dolgaleva, Universtiy of Ottawa, Canada
  • Sergey Polyakov, NIST, USA


  • Jia-Ming Liu, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • Eric Mazur, MIT, USA
  • Lewis Rothberg, University of Rochester, USA
  • Eric Van Stryland, CREOL, USA
  • Eli Yablonovitch, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA

Symposium on Machine Learning and Autonomous Design for Photonic Devices

Integrated photonic devices provide a versatile platform for different applications, such as telecommunications, quantum information processing, and biosensing. The design of photonic components promises to improve the efficiency of photonic devices. However, designing integrated photonic components and circuits remains a major challenge due to their complex structures with large combinations of features. Machine learning techniques are capable of modeling and optimizing the response of photonic components much faster than the traditional design methodologies. The novel machine learning design frameworks for photonic devices, such as, artificial neural networks, deep neural networks, and deep generative networks, have generated promising results in designing and modeling integrated photonic devices in recent years.

This symposium will introduce machine learning and autonomous design for photonic devices. It will provide a broad range of insights, including but not limited to artificial neural networks, deep neural networks, deep generative networks, and autonomous design.


  • Jonathan Fan, Stanford Univ., USA
  • Jonathan Hu, Baylor University, USA


  • Wenshan Cai, Georgia Inst. of Technology, USA
    Inversely Designed Meta-System: Beyond the Linear Optical Regime
  • Rasmus Christiansen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
    Inverse Design of Photonic Devices Exploiting Extreme Dielectric Confinement of Light
  • Alexander Kildishev, Purdue University, USA
    Inverse-Designed On-Chip Integration of Solid-State Quantum Emitters
  • Giulia Marcucci, Apoha Ltd, UnitedKingdom
    Hydro-Photonic-Advantaged Computing Machine by Artificial Neural Networks
  • Owen Miller, Yale University, USA
    Photonic Design Problems as QCQPs
  • Otto Muskens, University of Southampton, UnitedKingdom
    Deep Learning Enabled Strategies for Modelling of Complex Nanostructures
  • Willie Padilla, Duke University, USA
    Deep Inverse Learning for Photonic Metamaterials
  • Aaswath Raman, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
    Integrating Adjoint Optimization with Deep Learning Approaches for Photonic Inverse Design and Physics Discovery
  • Ergun Simsek, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, USA
    Designing Photodetectors with Machine Learning
  • Zongfu Yu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
    Design Large-area Photonic Devices with Machine Learning and Accelerated Computing
  • Darko Zibar, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark
    Machine Learning Techniques for Optical Frequency Comb Optimization

Symposium on Optical Fiber and Grating Based Biomedical Sensors

This Symposium will bring together photonic device designers, physicists and (bio)chemists to review the most advanced optical fiber devices (optical fibers, fiber gratings and other waveguide technologies) able to detect (bio)chemical analytes and/or perform biomedical applications with high sensitivity, selectivity, and robustness, while lowering the limit of detection to levels required in practical applications. 

Invited and Contributed talks will focus on tailoring light coupling mechanisms between engineered optical waveguides and their functional surface (if any) in response to external perturbations or surrounding medium changes. Specifically, the aim will be to understand how to optimize the transducing mechanisms to (1) encode the presence of a given analyte in a measurable change in the optical device properties or (2) achieve a specific functionality including tweezing or micro-surgery among others, ensuring in all cases reliability, reproducibility and robustness for in vitro or even in situ applications. 

Of particular importance are issues regarding the refractive index modulation, optical properties of the devices, scattering, porosity and thickness of the functional layers and how these parameters can be optimized to enhance the overall performances. Functionalization strategies for bare, metal-coated, oxide-coated or graphene-coated glass and polymer surfaces for Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) based sensors or nanoparticle-assisted devices will also be reviewed and discussed.


  • Christophe Caucheteur, Mons University, Belgium
  • Matthieu Lancry, ICMMO, University Paris Saclay, France


  • Francesco Chiavaioli, National Research Council / IFAC, Italy
    Biosensing Using Optical Fibers: Perspectives and Challenges
  • Andrea Cusano, CeRICT s.c.r.l., Italy
    Lab on Fiber Technology: Current Roadmap and Future Trends
  • Tianliang Li, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Surgical Device

Symposium on Recent Advances in Ultrafast Laser Waveguide Writing in Transparent Materials

Organized by BGPP: Roberto Osellame, CNR - Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, Italy; Réal Vallée, COPL, Laval University, Canada

Since the 1996 seminal paper [1], the field of ultrafast laser waveguide writing in transparent materials has grown significantly. Once a lab peculiarity, the method is now used by many start-up companies for real-world applications and has, in many cases, proven competitive to existing and well-entrenched photolithographic approaches. Nevertheless, ultrafast laser waveguide writing remains an intriguing topic for research. On the one hand, it is often the only technique that can produce optical waveguides in many important materials opening up device miniaturisation across different fields. On the other hand, improving our fundamental understanding of the modification mechanism involved with irradiating materials can still provide new and significant improvements to waveguide properties.

This special symposium forms part of the 2022 BGPP Topical Meeting. Submissions reporting on novel results across applications utilizing waveguide writing, from optical communications to quantum optics and astrophotonics, are welcomed. In addition, papers are being solicited to present new insights on the refractive index modification mechanisms and in the demonstration of laser waveguide writing within new materials that have the potential to open additional new applications.

The topics of solicited submissions include but are not limited to waveguide writing for:

  • Optical communication devices
  • Quantum photonic applications
  • Astrophotonic devices
  • Integrated sensing applications
  • Fundamental understanding of the refractive index modification
  • Novel 3D integrated photonic devices
  • Lab-on-a-chip/Lab-in-a-fiber devices
  • Fabrication of waveguidesand components in new materials


  • Roberto Osellame, CNR - Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, Italy
  • Réal Vallée, COPL, Laval University, Canada


  • Xianmin Jin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    3D Photonic Quantum Chip and Large-scale Quantum Information Processing
  • Stefan Nolte, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
    Inscription of Silicon Waveguides Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses
  • Nicholas Psaila, Optoscribe, UnitedKingdom
    From Optoscribe Technology to Industrial Perspectives on Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing

Panel Discussion: Energy Crisis and Climate Catastrophe – The Role of Solar Energy

Tuesday, 26 July 18:45 – 19:30

In addition to the growing climate crisis, the past few months have made it painfully clear that European energy independence also has important strategic implications for the future. Numerous studies have shown that photovoltaic technology can supply a significant fraction of the carbon-free electricity that will be needed in the future based on a solar resource that is freely available to most of the Continent. In this panel discussion, we bring together representatives from politics, academia, and industry to discuss the potential of PV to help decarbonize Europe’s energy system and what near-term actions must be taken to realize this goal.


  • Klaus Jaeger, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany


  • Arthur Daemers, Solar Power Europe, Belgium
  • Ivan Gordon, IMEC, Belgium
  • Jimmy Melskens, HyET Solar BV, Netherlands

BGPP Industry Session

Wednesday, 27 July 14:30 – 16:00

BGPP 2022 continues the long-standing tradition of addressing fundamental and technical issues of immediate and long-term application of fiber Bragg gratings and other devices fabricated by laser-matter-interaction. While fundamental aspects are covered by invited and contributed proceeding papers, the technical aspect is addressed in the Industry Session.

Speakers from FiSens, Photonova, Inc. and FBGS have been invited to make a 10 min presentation to showcase their advanced products, to explain the underlying technology and working principle. Company professionals that are also presenting scientific work during the conference have been favored. Therefore, the scientists in the auditorium working in closely related areas may get easily into contact with the company professionals for various reasons. Scientist may see how applied research translates into new products and applications. Junior scientists may be stimulated to create tomorrow a start-up in the field or join a company. In this way BGPP encourages greater interaction between the industry professionals and scientist.

Speakers include:
Tristan Kremp, OFS Fitel LLC, USA
Guillaume Laffont, CEA Saclay, France
Sébastien Loranger, PhotoNova, Inc., Canada
Bram Van Hoe, FBGS, Belgium
Christian Waltermann, FiSens GmbH, Germany


Image for keeping the session alive