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OSA Incubator on Visual Perception in AR/VR


  • Rigmor C. Baraas, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
  • Francisco Imai, Chair-Elect of the OSA Color Technical Group, United States
  • Ali Ozgur Yontem, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Jon Y. Hardeberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

View the agenda for this Incubator here.


Recent developments in the technology for augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality have significantly advanced how display technology can be used. However, the interaction between novel displays and human perception remains a largely open space to explore. The objective of this incubator will be to enable two-way discussions on how perception science can inform the design and implementation of AR/VR/MR displays and on how AR/VR/MR displays can be used as tools to build experiments to understand human perception. Additional discussions will focus on how different AR/VR/MR applications are concerned with different aspects of producing a “good” viewing experience, in particular the temporal, spatial and chromatic aspects of a display.

Through invited talks, panels, moderated discussion periods and informal networking, this incubator will also explore the bounding limits of this technology: Is human perception intrinsically limited such that the display technologies do not need to deliver information above a certain quality, and hence, the design constraints could be relaxed. Or alternatively, is the sensitivity of the human perception way beyond what we can develop for these technologies and therefore, further novel solutions need to be developed?

Additional Information
The topics covered by this incubator on emerging AR/VR technology were collated and published in a feature article in the April 2021 issue of OPN. 
Image for keeping the session alive