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Integrated Semiconductor Quantum Photonic Devices

Integrated Semiconductor Quantum Photonic Devices

18-20 June 2017
Washington, DC
Hosted By:
Daniel Gammon, Naval Research Laboratory, United States
Pascale Senellart, C2N-CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Glenn Solomon, Joint Quantum Institute/NIST, United States
Edo Waks, University of Maryland/Joint Quantum Institute, United States
Read more about this meeting: Day 1 and Day 2

View agenda here (pdf)

Incubator Overview
The field of semiconductor quantum photonics has experienced rapid progress in the past two years.  The integration of quantum dots with photonic structures has enabled bright single photons of high indistinguishably, on-chip quantum memories, and efficient light-matter interfaces.  These advances position the field to begin a concerted focus towards large-scale integration for applications in quantum communication, computation, sensing, and simulation.  
This Incubator will combine the expertise of the leading researchers in the field of quantum-dot devices and integrated photonics to articulate the challenges and develop pathways that will lead to highly integrated quantum photonic circuits composed of sources, memories, and strong nonlinearities.  The Incubator will also identify the most suitable applications and optimal device implementations to perform complex quantum processing on a semiconductor chip.  We will identify the critical remaining challenges in materials growth, device design, and systems integration, and define the best strategies to combine efficiency with the high coherence requirements needed for quantum technologies.      
Incubator Goals
  1. Identify critical remaining fundamental materials and physics challenges, and discrete-device challenges, and chart strategies to resolve them.
  2. Identify critical challenges and strategies to advance the field towards large-scale integration.
  3. Establish collaborations and networks to facilitate greater interaction between members of the community.
  4. Create a consortium of materials growth and device fabrication facilities and methods to make them available to the larger community, in order to provide access to researchers who lack critical facilities.
  5. Develop funding strategies for large-scale programs that address the critical challenges facing integration and scalability.
Scope and Featured Topics
The Incubator will cover the latest developments in quantum-dot single photon sources, quantum-dot quantum memories, and the integration of quantum dots in photonic structures to develop large-scale circuits.  Presentations will focus on the latest research in materials growth, fundamental physics, device fabrication, system design, and new protocols and applications. Through this program, we hope to answer the following questions:
  • What are the critical materials and discrete-device challenges remaining?  
  • What challenges are required to enable large scale integration?  
  • What are the best assets of each platform and which hybrid approaches should be pursued?
  • How can we facilitate better interactions and collaborations between growth, device fabrication, measurement, and applications?  
  • What are the most promising applications for this technology, and what are the required performance metrics to realize these applications?
The time is right to take an overview of the potential and the problems in developing integrated quantum-dot platforms. The research field of quantum dots has consistently made impressive progress in developing quantum devices, opening a viable path for optical quantum technologies. The question now is what is preventing us from integrating quantum dots in quantum photonic systems, what could be done with such a platform, and how can this technology make an impact on current quantum communication, computation, sensing, and simulation technology roadmaps.
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