Adrian Mahlkow
08 - 12 December, 2024
INSELHOTEL Potsdam-Hermannswerder
Potsdam, Germany
Adrian Mahlkow
OpTecBB, Germany
About the Speaker
Adrian Mahlkow (CEO) graduated in physics (TU Berlin) in 1997 and moved then to OUT e.V., a non-profit research institute specialising in optoelectronics and environmentally compatible technologies. Parallel to his work as a project leader, he completed his doctorate in 2003 and has been working on his habilitation in technical optics since 2005. Since 1999, Adrian has led more than 40 research projects with different focuses on LED technology. He also works as a technology consultant for various companies and was a member of the board of Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. and the Competence Network for Optical Technologies and Microsystems Engineering from 2015 to 2022. Since 2021, he has been on the presidium of the Zuse Association and a member of the German Physical Society and the European Physical Society. Since 1.1.2023, he has been the new managing director of OpTecBB e.V.
OpTecBB (Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg) is the Competence Network for Optical Technologies an Micro Systems Technologies in the German Capital region of Berlin and Brandenburg. It is the aim of the network to connect representatives in industry, research, education, the finance and consulting sector as well as politics, to jointly foster the development and application of Optical Technologies and Micro systems Technologies. Particular focus areas include: laser technology, lighting technology, optical and especially x-ray analytics, biophotonics and ophthalmology, optical communication, sensor and quantum technologies, microsystems technologies.