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Dhiraj Mallick

Optica Quantum Industry Summit at iXblue

Dhiraj Mallick

Vice President, Engineering & Business Development, Cerebras Systems

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About the Speaker
Dhiraj is VP of Engineering and Business Development at Cerebras Systems. Dhiraj has over 20 years of executive leadership experience directing large, high-performing engineering teams at Intel, AMD and startups like SeaMicro and NexGen. Prior to Cerebras, Dhiraj was CTO and VP Architecture for Intel’s $20B Data Center business. Before Intel, he was an integral part of the executive leadership team as VP Engineering at SeaMicro prior to its acquisition by AMD, after which he continued at AMD as Corporate VP and GM of the Server Solutions division. Dhiraj serves as an advisor to several VC-backed companies and holds an MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.
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