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Chuck Mattera

Optica Quantum Industry Summit at iXblue

Chuck Mattera


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About the Speaker
Chuck Mattera is the Chief Executive Officer of II-VI. He initially served as a member of the II-VI Board from 2000 until 2002. Dr. Mattera joined the Company as Vice President in 2004, and served as Executive Vice President from January 2010 to November 2013, when he became Chief Operating Officer. He was re-appointed to the Board in 2012. In November 2014, Dr. Mattera became the President and Chief Operating Officer. In September 2016, Dr. Mattera became the Company’s third President and Chief Executive Officer in 45 years. During his career at II-VI he has assumed successively broader management roles, including as a lead architect of the Company’s diversification strategy. He has provided vision, energy and dispatch to the Company’s growth initiatives, including overseeing the acquisition-related integration activities in the United States, Europe, and Asia – especially in China – thereby establishing additional platforms. These have contributed to a new positioning of the Company into large and transformative global growth markets while increasing considerably the global reach of the Company, deepening the technology and IP portfolio, broadening the product roadmap and customer base, and increasing the potential of II-VI.
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