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Optica High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress

Ulrich Schramm

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

Advancement of High Intensity Laser Driven Particle Accelerators to Application Readiness

Improved control of high intensity laser beam parameters on target recently enabled
proton energies beyond 100 MeV, dose-controlled in-vivo radiobiology experiments and
seeded FEL demonstration, which will be discussed jointly with the underlying physics.

About the Speaker

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schramm is director of the Institute of Radiation Physics at the Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf where he leads the ELBE center for high power radiation sources, a center developing and operating Petawatt laser infrastructure dedicated to advanced accelerator research next to a superconducting electron accelerator.

For about 25 years his scientific focus lies on the acceleration of electrons and protons through relativistic laser plasma interactions and in particular with respect to applications in radiobiology and secondary light sources. Only recently the dose controlled irradiation of tumors in mice with laser accelerated proton pulses confirmed the application readiness of plasma accelerators, provided that focus quality on target is ensured by the characterization of spatio-temporal and pulse contrast conditions.

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