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2024 Fellows

2024 Fellows

The Society is pleased to announce the new Fellow Members for 2024. This distinction was awarded to 129 members, from 26 countries, for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics through education, research, engineering, business leadership and service.

Firooz Aflatouni

University of Pennsylvania, USA
For interdisciplinary work on integrated photonic-electronic systems including photonic deep neural networks for direct image classification and photonic-assisted microwave imaging


Kramer Akli
Department of Energy, USA
For leadership in establishing LaserNet US and transforming high power laser research


Vladimir Aksyuk
National Inst of Standards & Technology, USA
For pioneering contributions to optical switching and sensing systems utilizing micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) actuation principles and nanophotonics


Gonzalo R. Arce
University of Delaware, USA
For pioneering contributions in the area of coded aperture computational imaging


Christos Argyropoulos
Pennsylvania State University, USA
For contributions to optical metamaterials and nonlinear nanophotonics


Amit Ashok
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
For the development of information-optimal imaging and sensing platforms across the electromagnetic spectrum and service to the optics community


Solomon Assefa
IBM Research,
For pioneering contributions to silicon photonics from science to technology deployment, and for global advocacy of engineering education enrichment


Muyinatu A. Lediju Bell
Johns Hopkins University, USA
For pioneering contributions to photoacoustic imaging techniques and applications for surgical guidance


Andrea Blanco-Redondo
CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, USA
For her discovery of pure-quartic solitons and pioneering contributions to topological quantum photonics


Wim Bogaerts
Ghent University – IMEC, Ghent, Belgium
For seminal contributions to design methodologies for silicon photonics and to research on programmable photonic circuits


Daniele Brida
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
For outstanding contributions to the field of ultrafast optics and spectroscopy, and for actively serving the optics community


Wenshan Cai
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
For pioneering contributions, in terms of both original discoveries and knowledge dissemination, in the fields of plasmonics and metamaterials


Joshua Caldwell
Vanderbilt University and Sensorium Technological Labs, USA
For pioneering contributions to our understanding of the role of crystal anisotropy, phonons, and electron-phonon coupling for IR nanophotonics

Filippo Capolino
University of California, Irvine, USA
For fundamental contributions to optics in complex materials and exceptional points


Joseph Carroll
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
For outstanding advances in understanding retinal structure and function in individuals with inherited vision disorders through the application of non-invasive tools


Subhananda Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
For sustained contributions towards the research and development of compound (III-V and II-VI) semiconductor-based optoelectronics


Fang-Chung Chen
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
For contributions to the fields of organic optoelectronics, particularly for innovative application of structures and materials into photovoltaic devices


Michael Chini
University of Central Florida, USA
For outstanding contributions to ultrafast optics including generation, characterization, and application of isolated attosecond pulses and few-cycle infrared pulses


Lukas Chrostowski
The University of British Columbia, Canada
For establishing an international design, fabrication, and test ecosystem in silicon photonics, and developing high-performance and photonic integrated circuit components


Garrett Cole
Thorlabs Inc, USA
For advancements in precision optical metrology, namely the pioneering development and successful commercialization of novel substrate-transferred crystalline optical interference coatings


Professor Brian M. Cullum
University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
For the development of optical SPPs nano-sensors/nano-biosensors and ultra-high resolution chemical imaging systems for biological and defense applications


Vittorio Curri, PhD
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
For outstanding scientific contributions on multi-band physical layer aware open and disaggregated optical networks


Alfredo De Rossi
Thales Research & Technology - France, France
For pioneering contributions to on-chip all-optical signal processing and microwave photonics with photonic crystals


Ning Deng
For substantial contribution to the research and development of high-capacity optical switching and high-speed optical fiber transmission systems


Jean-Michel Di Nicola
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
For world-class scientific and engineering contributions in high-energy and high-peak-power laser systems, and key technical leadership at the National Ignition Facility


Peter Dragic
Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
For pioneering contributions to intrinsically low nonlinearity optical fiber, fiber laser materials, and modeling


Sara Ducci
Université Paris Cité, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques UMR 7162 CNRS, Paris, France
For significant achievements in integrated nonlinear quantum photonics from fundamentals to applications, and a deep commitment to education and mentorship


Angela Dudley
University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
For foundational contributions to the all-digital control of structured light, and for outstanding service to the international optics community


Simin Feng
US Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, USA
For groundbreaking scientific and technical leadership in metamaterial transition and in creating a paradigm shift in active denial technology


Martin C. Fischer
Duke University, USA
For pioneering contributions to nonlinear optical microscopy and imaging in biomedicine, materials science, and cultural heritage


Hugo Fragnito

For outstanding and sustained contributions to nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy in condensed materials, nonlinear fiber optics, and optical communications


Liang Gao
University of California Los Angeles, USA
For significant contributions to ultrafast and hyperspectral optical imaging and biomedical optics


Li Ge
College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center, CUNY, USA
For pioneering and seminal contributions to non-Hermitian photonics, topological photonics, and nonlinear phenomena in laser physics


Shambhu Ghimire
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
For pioneering contributions to strong-field and attosecond physics in condensed matter, including nonperturbative high-harmonic generation from band-insulators and quantum materials


Oliver Graydon
Nature Photonics , Springer Nature, UK
For outstanding support of optics worldwide through scientific publishing leadership and for extensively promoting the importance of photonics to society


Peter Griffiths
University of Idaho (retired), USA
For unique achievements and significant contributions to vibrational spectroscopy


Frédéric Grillot
Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France and The University of New-Mexico, USA
For his pioneering work on mid infrared optoelectronics and quantum dot lasers for silicon photonics


Tuan Guo
Jinan University, China
For pioneering work and outstanding contributions to energy storage monitoring using optical fiber sensing technologies


Tzung-Fang Guo
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
For pioneering contributions to the development of p-i-n configuration planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells


Jiaguang Han
Tianjin University / Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China
For outstanding contributions to terahertz photonics, particularly terahertz metasurfaces, plasmonics, and manipulations


Tawfique Hasan
University of Cambridge, UK
For transformative and sustained contributions in photonic applications of nanomaterials and pioneering ultraminiaturised computational spectrometers


Hossein Hashemi
University of Southern California, USA
For contributions to silicon photonics integrated circuits including optical phased arrays, coherent lidar, and laser phase noise reduction


Jennifer E. Hastie
University of Strathclyde, UK
For leadership in the photonics and quantum technology community and pioneering technical contributions in the area of narrow-linewidth lasers


Ching-Hwa Ho
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
For significant contributions to 2D semiconductor optoelectronics, optical modulation spectroscopy, and optical properties of semiconductor materials and devices


Jin Hong
Hisense Broadband Inc., USA
For outstanding contributions in leading research and development of integrated photonic products for optical communication


Roarke Horstmeyer
Duke University, USA
For scientific innovations and contributions as an entrepreneur in the fields of computational imaging and microscopy


Patrick Iannone
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
For pioneering research in architectures and evolution strategies for optical access networks and long-standing  leadership in the optical community


Wilbert IJzerman
Signify, the Netherlands
For pioneering mathematical and physical research to advance design methods for imaging and non-imaging optics, and industrial leadership in lighting


Javier Antonio Jo
University of Oklahoma, USA
For pioneering contributions to the integration of optical imaging and artificial intelligence for biomedical applications and service to the optical community


Jun-ichi Kani
NTT Access Service Systems Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan
For achievements and leadership in advancing optical access architecture and technologies


Terrance J. Kessler
Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA
For pioneering innovations in the technology and applications of large-aperture optics used for fusion and chirped-pulse-amplification lasers


Giti Khodaparast
Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, USA
For contributions to understanding quantum and coherent states in multifunctional materials and educating researchers from underrepresented groups in science


Matthias Kling
Stanford University / SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA and LMU Munich / Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany, USA/Germany
For seminal contributions to field sampling at optical frequencies reaching attosecond temporal and nanometer spatial resolutions


Pei-Cheng Ku
University of Michigan, USA
For pioneering contributions to semiconductor nanostructured optoelectronic materials, devices, and their applications


Alan Pak Tao Lau
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
For developing digital signal processing techniques for optical communication systems


Professor Martin J. Leahy
University of Galway, Galway, Ireland
For leadership in biophotonics through technological advancement of nanosensitive and angiographic OCT technologies, and exceptional contributions to education and diversity and inclusion


Ray-Kuang Lee
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
For demonstrated quantum machine-learning, and the implementation of quantum noise reduction for the advanced gravitational wave detectors, and the development of quantum noise squeezing


Wei Lee
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
For the discovery of pseudo-dielectric heating, pioneering work on nanoparticle colloids in liquid crystals, and achievements in liquid-crystal photonic devices and bio-sensing


Maciej Lewenstein
ICREA Professor at ICFO- The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain
For outstanding theoretical contributions to atto-optics, atto-science, quantum optics, and quantum information


Baojun Li
Jinan University, China
For pioneering use of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) polymer in flexible nanofibers and cell-based living nanoprobes in optical trapping and manipulation


Ming Li
CAS Institute of Semiconductors, China
For pioneering contributions to microwave photonic signal generation and programmable optical signal processing


Chih-Lung Lin
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
For distinguished and valuable contributions to the field of display technology


Jonathan T.C. Liu
University of Washington, USA
For innovations in biomedical optics, including miniature microscopes for surgical guidance and non-destructive 3D pathology and analysis for clinical decision support


Dr. Prof. Hai-Han Lu
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
For contributions to the research and development of free-space and underwater wireless optical communications


Hanne Ludvigsen
Aalto University, Finland
For outstanding contributions to the field of photonic crystal fibers and optical sensors


Xianshu LUO
Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (IME, A*STAR), Singapore
For outstanding contributions to silicon photonic integration technology development and commercialization


Arka Majumdar
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
For pioneering contributions in the field of low-power optical information science and imaging, enabled by low-dimensional materials, nanophotonics, and meta-optics


Pavel Mamyshev
Nubis Communications, USA
For seminal contributions to nonlinear fiber optics and high-capacity optical communications, and for the pioneering invention of the all-optical regeneration method


Amalia Martínez García
Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, México
For significant contributions to 3D optical metrology, student training, and the advancement of science in Mexico and Latin America


Yehia Massoud
King Abdullah University for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
For outstanding and sustained contributions to modeling and design of plasmonic and nanophotonic devices


Carlos A. Meriles
CUNY The City College of New York, USA
For fundamental contributions to sensing, spin physics, and optoelectronics using color centers in diamond


Jurgen Michel
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
For pioneering contributions to germanium-on-silicon integrated photonics and to erbium-in-silicon light-emitting devices


Michael Mielke
AdValue Photonics Inc, USA
For outstanding technology and business leadership contributions to the industrial laser field and exemplary services to Optica and the photonics community


Ryuji Morita
Hokkaido University, Japan
For outstanding achievements in ultrashort structured light pulse generation/characterization and its applications


Otto Muskens
University of Southampton, UK
For outstanding and sustained contributions to nanophotonics research, particularly developing material platforms for tuning, switching, and programming of photonic devices


Arup Neogi
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, China
For pioneering contributions to ultrafast and nonlinear effects in semiconductors and sustained global research in photonics and phononics


Ren Ng
University of California Berkeley, USA
For pioneering work developing light field cameras, as well as seminal contributions in 3D view synthesis and human visual perception


Roberto Paiella
Boston University, USA
For outstanding contributions to the development of novel optoelectronic devices based on quantum-confined systems and photonic nanostructures


Jamie Phillips
University of Delaware, USA
For pioneering contributions to optoelectronic materials and devices for infrared detectors and photovoltaics


Mark C. Phillips
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
For significant contributions to broadband laser spectroscopy and applications to gas sensing, characterization of solids, and plasma diagnostics


Bing Qi
NYU Shanghai, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of quantum secure communication and fiber optic sensing


Jessica Ramella-Roman
Florida International University, USA
For pioneering contributions to the study of polarized light transport in biological media through experimental and computational approaches


Matteo Rinaldi
Northeastern University, USA
For pioneering  contributions to the research, development, and commercialization of zero-power wireless infrared sensors
Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University


Bryan Robinson
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA
For extraordinary contributions to the advancement of satellite laser communications technology


Jawad A. Salehi
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
For contributions to the invention and fundamental principles of optical code-division multiple-access communication systems and of optical orthogonal codes


Luis Sanchez-Soto
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
For pioneering research advancing the use of mathematical concepts in optics and quantum optics


Edward Sargent
Northwestern University, USA
For pioneering contributions in the use of nanomaterials to produce sensitive photodetectors for infrared imaging


Tero Setälä
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
For outstanding contributions to the foundations of electromagnetic coherence and random polarization


Xing Sheng
Tsinghua University, China
For outstanding achievements in the research and development of advanced microscale optoelectronic devices for energy and biomedical applications


Ichiro Shoji
Chuo University, Japan
For substantial contributions to the measurement of nonlinear optical coefficients and the design of devices from the room-temperature-bonding technique


Xuewen Shu
Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of optical fiber based devices, particularly optical fiber grating technology


Christoph Simon
University of Calgary, Canada
For contributions to quantum information science and quantum optics, including fundamental tests of quantum phenomena and development of quantum networks


Ivan Smalyukh
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
For the development of optically biaxial and plasmonic colloidal liquid crystals, light-powered micro-motors, and light control by topologically nontrivial structures of optical axis


Brian J. Smith
University of Oregon, USA
For pioneering research into high-dimensional quantum states of multimode optical fields and their use in quantum information science


Prof Peter G.R. Smith
University of Southampton, UK
For pioneering research and commercialisation in nonlinear optics and Bragg gratings, with applications in quantum science, sensors and optical fabrication


Kwang Yong Song
Chung-Ang University, Korea, Republic of
For pioneering contributions to Brillouin slow light and Brillouin dynamic grating with significant impact on signal processing and sensing


Todd Stievater
US Naval Research Laboratory, USA
For scientific advances in quantum confined semiconductors, micro-opto-mechanical systems, waveguides, integrated photonics, and their development for DOD applications


Thibaut Sylvestre
FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS, Université de Franche-Comté, France
For pioneering contributions to optical fiber and laser research and technology


Alexander Szameit
University of Rostock, Germany
For groundbreaking contributions to photonic simulations of quantum and solid state phenomena


Xiaodi Tan
Fujian Normal University, China
For contributions to holographic applications, particularly the holographic data storage technologies


Ewold Verhagen
AMOLF, Netherlands
For outstanding contributions to nanophotonics and optomechanics, and to the understanding of photonic systems with broken spatiotemporal symmetries


Kaley A. Walker
University of Toronto, Canada
For research excellence and scientific leadership in atmospheric remote sensing using applied spectroscopy, as well as extensive contributions to professional service and public outreach


Fengqiu Wang
Nanjing University, China
For pioneering contributions to ultrafast photonics and spectroscopy in low-dimensional materials


Jigang Wang
Iowa State University and Ames National Laboratory, USA
For outstanding contributions to ultrafast spectroscopy and pioneering ultralow cryogenic magneto-THz microscopy, unveiling significant light-matter quantum and coherent many-body phenomena


Pengfei Wang
Harbin Engineering Univ., China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of photonic glasses for lasing and sensing applications


Xiangbin Wang
Tsinghua University, China
For his outstanding contributions to practical quantum key distribution


Xingjun Wang
PKU, China
For innovation and technological breakthroughs in photonic integrated circuits for applications in optical communication, microwave photonics, and optical computing


Xinqiang Wang
Peking University, China
For contributions to III-nitride semiconductor materials and optoelectronic devices, including material epitaxy and light emitting devices


Abbie Watnik
US Naval Research Laboratory, USA
For technical leadership at NRL in imaging through turbulence and scattering media, and for outstanding service to Optica


Dr. Christopher R. Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
For pioneering the application of tunable-laser spectroscopy to atmospheric measurements of Earth, Mars, Venus, and the outer planets


Jonathan J. Wierer, Jr.
North Carolina State University, USA
For pioneering contributions to the physics and engineering of high-efficiency, high-power light-emitting-diode illumination sources


Peter Jeffrey Wisoff
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
For outstanding technical and program leadership in lasers and inertial confinement fusion in achieving fusion ignition in a laboratory setting


Withawat Withayachumnankul
The University of Adelaide, Australia
For innovative contributions to terahertz photonics including metasurfaces, antennas, and integrated platforms for sensing and communications


Stephen T. C. Wong
Methodist Hospital Cancer Center and Academic Institute; Weill Cornell Medicine, USA
For outstanding contributions in pioneering CARS imaging in medicine and high content microscopic screening for drug discovery and biological research


Chao-Hsin (Wayne) Wu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
For outstanding achievements in high-speed vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers and pioneering work in optoelectronic integration with light-emitting transistors and transistor lasers


Xiaojun Wu
Beihang University, China
For outstanding contributions to ultrafast THz science and technology, particularly in developing high-energy THz sources and functional THz devices


Hai Xiao
Clemson University, USA
For pioneering and critical contributions to innovative fabrication techniques, interrogation methods, and applications of optical fiber sensors for harsh environments


Shumin Xiao
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
For significant contributions to the development of high-performance, reconfigurable all-dielectric metasurfaces and metadevices


Prof. Feng Yan
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
For seminal contributions to the ultra-high gain phototransistors and next-generation organic and perovskite photovoltaics


Xincheng Yao
University of Illinois Chicago, USA
For exceptional contributions to functional OCT imaging and ultra-widefield fundus photography


Winnie Ye
Carleton University, Canada
For exemplary volunteer leadership and outstanding contributions to silicon photonics research and technology including pioneering investigations in waveguide stress engineering


Shuiqing Fisher Yu
University of Arkansas, USA
For technical innovations and leadership in developing SiGeSn optoelectronics infrared sensor applications


Avi Zadok
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
For pioneering optomechanical sensing outside optical fibers


Yuebing Zheng
University of Texas at Austin, USA
For pioneering contributions to nanophotonics and optical manipulation technologies, with wide-ranging applications in biology, health, energy, and information technology


Chao Zhou
Washington University in St Louis, USA
For pioneering advancements in parallel OCT imaging technologies and the development of non-invasive optogenetic pacing techniques in animal models


Benyuan Zhu
OFS Laboratories, USA
For far reaching contributions in optical transmission systems and optical fiber development


Ce Zhu
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, China
For pioneering and sustained contributions to visual information coding and processing


Dan Zhu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
For innovative leadership in tissue optical clearing imaging as well as serving the biomedical optics community and the society


Vassilia Zorba
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, USA
For seminal and pioneering contributions in ultrafast laser plasma physics and the development of innovative applied spectroscopy technologies

Image for keeping the session alive