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Requesting Funding

Chapters must complete one of the below funding packets in order to receive their grants throughout the year. Each form contains a cover letter, wire or check request form (wires are for chapters outside of the US), and a tax form. Per the tax form, every chapter is different and we cannot inform you how best to complete it. We strongly advise that you contact someone at your university's finance department who can help you best understand the options. 

For the Funding Request and Tax Forms, it is imperative that:

  • The account holder name is the same on both forms
  • The account address is correct (for US chapter checks)
  • The account details are correct (for Intl chapter wires)
  • The Tax form is signed (The Funding Request Form does not require signature)

US chapters

International chapters where the account holder is an organization (university)

International chapters where the account holder is a person

International chapters where the account holder is an entity (association, group, etc.)

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