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2021 Fellows

2021 Fellows

The Society is pleased to announce the new Fellow Members for 2021. This distinction was awarded to 118 members, from 24 countries, for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics through education, research, engineering, business leadership and service. It is worthwhile to note that women account for 19%, or 23 members of the new Class, which is the largest number of women ever elected in one year. The selection of these candidates was confirmed by the Board of Directors at its meeting in September 2020.

The Society appreciates the efforts of the many nominators and references. We also extend special thanks to the members of the Fellow Members Committee who reviewed the 261 nominations: Deb Kane (Chair), Aref Chowdhury (Past-Chair), Saša Bajt, Adrian Carter, Hui Deng, Mitra Dutta, Ann Elsner, Andrew Forbes, Ray-Hua Horng, Mona Jarrahi, Dale Linne von Berg, Kaoru Minoshima, Loukas Paraschis, Sergei Popov and Sean Wang.

For more information, contact the Awards Office (; +1 202.416.1960) or visit

2021 Fellow Members:


Ritesh Agarwal

University of Pennsylvania, USA

For pioneering contributions to advancing complex light-matter interactions in low-dimensional semiconductors, phase-change and topological materials for applications in integrated photonics

Igor Aharonovich

University of Technology Sydney, Australia

For outstanding contributions to the research and development of quantum emitters in atomically thin materials and wide bandgap semiconductors

Mohamed-Slim Alouini

King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

For outstanding contributions to optical wireless communications

Hatice Altug

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

For pioneering contributions to nano-optics, manipulation of light on-chip, the development of innovative nanobiosensors and sensing techniques, and exemplary contributions to the scientific community and OSA

Aleksandra Boskovic

Corning Inc., USA

For technical leadership in industrial research in optical physics and development of optical fibers, optical materials and products

Audrey Bowden

Vanderbilt University, USA

For outstanding achievements in the development of optical devices, image processing algorithms and systems for biomedicine

Camille-Sophie Brès

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

For the development of novel photonic systems for efficient light generation with enhanced functionalities

Arnaud Brignon

Thales Research & Technology, France

For outstanding contributions to nonlinear wave mixing, adaptive laser beam shaping, and coherent beam combining of fs laser amplifiers

Jake Bromage

University of Rochester, USA

For significant and numerous contributions to the development and characterization of ultra-intense lasers and advanced Raman fiber-amplifiers for broadband telecommunications

Elliott Brown

Wright State University, USA

For pioneering contributions and leadership in the development and application of terahertz photomixers and diodes for spectroscopy and imaging

E. Michael Campbell

Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA

For leadership and technical contributions to the development of inertial confinement fusion and the laser and optical technology needed in that effort

Tal Carmon

Tel Aviv University and Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

For impacting optical-interaction sciences by introducing hybrid micro-cavities where light exchanges energy with mechanical vibrations, sound, water waves or plasma

Calvin C.K. Chan

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For outstanding contributions to the enabling technologies for WDM passive optical networks, optical performance monitoring and signal processing in optical fiber transmission

Frank Chang

Source Photonics, USA

For outstanding and sustained contributions to and leadership on advancing physical-layer integrated circuit devices and optical transceivers in transmission and data center applications

Yu-Lun Chueh

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

For contributions to nano­materials/nanostructures in solar cells and applications of low-dimensional nanomaterials in green- and nano-photonics

Timothy Day

DRS Daylight Solutions, USA

For business leadership and commercializing pioneering products that have catalyzed new areas of research and applications of optics and photonics

Volker Deckert

Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany

For ongoing contributions to high-resolution Raman spectroscopy, in particular the realization of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Jennifer Dionne

Stanford University, USA

For outstanding contributions to nanophotonics, including methods to image, sense, and direct chemical and biological processes with high spatial resolution

Arthur Dogariu

Princeton University, USA

For discovering and developing novel nonlinear spectroscopic techniques for remote sensing with applications from medicine to national security

Kevin Eliceiri

University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA

For outstanding research in cellular microenvironment imaging and bio-image informatics

Amy Eskilson

Inrad Optics, USA

For outstanding contributions to the photonics industry, as well as a long history of advocacy for the community and support for students

Nicholas Xuanlai Fang

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

For fundamental and practical innovations in plasmonic, acoustic, graphene-based and topological metamaterials

Andrei Faraon

California Institute of Technology, USA

For research and application of nanophotonic quantum spin systems and metamaterials to integrated quantum technology and compact photonic devices

Sina Farsiu

Duke University, USA

For outstanding contributions to optical image processing and biophotonics

Ian Ferguson Kennesaw State University, USA

For the development of semiconductor materials and devices for photonic and opto-electronic applications in the IR, visible, and UV

Donis Flagello

Nikon Research Corporation of America, USA

For outstanding achievements and leadership in furthering the understanding and improvement of image formation in optical lithography

Tara Michele Fortier

National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA

For pioneering laser frequency combs and their application in optical clocks, fundamental physics and the synthesis of ultra-low-noise microwaves

Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

For fundamental contributions to nanophotonics and plasmonics

Gregory J. Gbur

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

For contributions to coherence theory, singular optics, and the intersection of these disciplines

Des Gibson

University of the West of Scotland, UK

For contributions advancing the technology and industry of optical coatings, sensors and medical devices

Madeleine Glick

Columbia University, USA

For seminal contributions to optical switching for data centers and digital electronic processing in optical networks

Claire Gmachl

Princeton University, USA

For pioneering work in infrared materials, optics, lasers and sensing systems

Manuel Guizar-Sicairos

Paul Scherrer Institut, Swiss Light Source, Switzerland

For seminal contributions to methods and applications of coherent lensless imaging, ptychography, X-ray nano­tomography, and new modalities of X-ray microscopy

Martina Havenith-Newen

Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany

For exploring THz spectroscopy as a sensitive tool to map solvation and highlighting the role of water in biological processes

Christine Hendon

Columbia University, USA

For significant contributions in optical imaging in cardiology

Yi-Pai Huang

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

For achievements in LC-lens applications in 3D & AR/VR, and Field Sequential display technology developments

Robert Huber

Universität zu Lübeck, Germany

For outstanding contributions to the development of tunable lasers and imaging techniques, especially Fourier domain mode locking

Yasushi Inouye

Osaka University, Japan

For pioneering contributions to nanophotonics and near-field optics, particularly the invention of apertureless near-field optical microscopy and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Satoshi Iwamoto

University of Tokyo, Japan

For original and pioneering contributions to photonic crystals and topological photonics

Jack Jewell


For pioneering contributions to vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser technology and commercialization

Baohua Jia

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of ultrafast laser fabrication and two-dimensional photonics

Mercedeh Khajavikhan

University of Southern California, USA

For seminal contributions in the fields of non-Hermitian and topological photonics by conceiving and developing new types of optoelectronic technologies

Alexander Khanikaev

The City College of New York and The Graduate Center of CUNY, NY, USA

For pioneering contributions to topological photonics and novel photonic materials

Olga Korotkova

University of Miami, USA

For outstanding and sustained contributions to the field of propagation of coherence, intensity, and polarization of light beams in the air/water

Christian Kränkel

Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Germany

For significant advancements in the development of new, tailored rare-earth ion-doped gain crystals for visible, near- and mid-infrared lasers

Arseniy Kuznetsov

IMRE, A*STAR, Singapore

For pioneering contributions to the field of dielectric nano­antennas and development of their applications

Chiman Kwan

Signal Processing, Inc., USA

For significant and sustained contributions to image processing algorithms with applications to remote sensing and especially Mars Curiosity Rover’s imagers

Laurent Larger

Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France

For pioneering studies of nonlinear dynamics in optoelectronics, and the development of novel architectures for photonic artificial intelligence

Ofer Levi

University of Toronto, Canada

For innovative contributions to miniature optical biosensors, imaging systems, and nonlinear optical devices

Yi-Hsin Lin

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

For pioneering contributions to electrically tunable liquid crystal lenses that led to wide-ranging applications

Jifeng Liu

Dartmouth College, USA

For contributions to germanium-based active photonic devices monolithically integrated on silicon

John R. Marciante

University of Rochester, USA

For pioneering innovations and sustained contributions to the research and development of large-mode-area fibers, fiber lasers, semiconductor lasers, and photonic devices

Lluis F. Marsal

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

For achievements in photonic and optical nanostructured materials to enhance light-matter interactions in optoelectronic devices and sensing applications

Nicholas Massa

Springfield Technical Community College, USA

For outstanding contributions to the education of photonics technicians through the development of innovative curricula and professional development for educators

Maria S. Millan

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain

For contributions to information optics, image processing, security, industrial inspection and ophthalmology, as well as service to the optics community, particularly in Latin America

Benjamin Miller

University of Rochester, USA

For pioneering science, engineering and entrepreneurship in the design and manufacturing of integrated photonic biosensors

Vladimir Mitin

University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA

For outstanding and sustained contributions to the conceptually new and efficient optoelectronic devices, particularly controllable/adaptable terahertz and infrared detectors

Christopher Monroe

University of Maryland at College Park and Duke University, USA

For pioneering leadership in quantum information processing with trapped ions and ultrafast optics technology, and leadership in the National Quantum Initiative

Theodore D. Moustakas

Boston University, USA

For seminal, sustained contributions to optical materials and devices, particularly in nitride semiconductors

Síle Nic Chormaic

Okinawa Inst of Science & Tech. Graduate University, Japan

For contributions to fundamental understanding and applications of optical nanofibers, nanofiber-mediated interactions with cold atoms, whispering gallery resonator cavities, and microparticle trapping

Tatiana Novikova

LPICM, École Polytechnique, IP Paris, France

For pioneering contributions to the study of polarized light and its applications in Mueller polarimetry for metrology in microelectronics and biomedicine

Yoshitomo Okawachi

Columbia University, USA

For pioneering contributions to slow light based on stimulated scattering and chip-based optical frequency combs

Yukitoshi Otani

Utsunomiya University, Japan

For outstanding contributions to the development of optical metrology and imaging polarimetry

Oskar Painter

California Institute of Technology, USA

For pioneering contributions to integrated quantum-optical and optomechanical devices and application to quantum information systems

Vittorio M.N. Passaro

Politecnico di Bari, Italy

For pioneering contributions in photonic micro-sensor development

Amitava Patra

Institute of Nano Science and Technology and Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India

For significant, sustained contributions to photonics and new photonic materials

Matthew Pelton

University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

For outstanding contributions to fundamental optical physics and nanophotonic applications of metal nanoparticles, semiconductor nanocrystals, and their assemblies

Sergey V. Polyakov

National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA

For contributions using quantum properties of light for optical metrology, communication and biosensing beyond classical limits

Chrysanthe Preza

The University of Memphis, USA

For outstanding and sustained research contributions in the field of computational imaging applied to microscopy

Qian Kemao

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

For significant contribution to optical metrology especially on fringe pattern analysis

Sujatha Ramanujan

NextCorps, USA

For outstanding leadership in the formation of optics and photonics industry clusters

Roberta Ramponi

IFN-CNR and Politecnico di Milano, Italy

For leadership in the promotion of optics and light-based technologies, and outstanding contributions to photonics innovation in Europe

Graham T. Reed

Optoelectronics Research Centre University of Southampton, UK

For foundational contributions in the field of silicon photonics, and leadership in innovating and driving the field

Herve Rigneault

Institut Fresnel, France

For pioneering and sustained contributions to nonlinear optics and nonlinear optical microscopy, single-molecule optical techniques, and cavity quantum electrodynamics

Haisheng Rong

Intel Corporation, USA

For pioneering and sustained contributions to the research and development of silicon photonics technology

Albert Schliesser

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

For pioneering contributions to the fields of quantum optomechanics and optical frequency combs

Jens H. Schmid

National Research Council Canada, Canada

For seminal research in subwavelength integrated optics and pioneering contributions to silicon photonics and its applications in sensing and spectroscopy

Zouheir Sekkat

MAScIR / UM5-FSR, Morocco

For pioneering contributions interfacing photochemistry and nonlinear optics, inventing sub-Tg light-induced molecular motion in polymers, as well as promoting optics and photonics in Africa

Ilya Shadrivov

Australian National University, Australia

For pioneering contributions to the field of electromagnetic metamaterials including nonlinear phenomena and light localization in composite structures

Natan T. Shaked

Tel-Aviv University, Israel

For significant contributions in biomedical holography, developing clinical portable holographic modules, and for novel holographic multiplexing and machine-learning approaches

Gangxiang Shen

Soochow University, China

For contributions to green optical network design, and fiber and wireless integration architecture

Mário G. Silveirinha

Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon, Portugal

For pioneering contributions to the theory of metamaterials and plasmonics

Yakov Soskind

Apple Inc., USA

For outstanding and sustained technical contributions to the science, technology, and applications of diffractive optics

Giuseppe Strangi

Case Western Reserve University, USA

For contributions to the advancement of optical biosensors based on plasmon polaritons and for promoting connections between nanophotonics and life sciences

Yikai Su

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

For significant contributions to integrated photonic devices and their applications in optical signal processing

Thomas Suleski

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

For technical achievements in diffractive optics, micro-optics, and freeform optics, and service to the optics community

Zhipei Sun

Aalto University, Finland

For pioneering contributions to photonic and optoelectronic applications with low-dimensional materials

Enrique Tajahuerce

Universitat Jaume I, Spain

For achievements on optical security and computational imaging using digital holography and single-pixel imaging techniques

Toshiki Tajima

University of California Irvine, USA

For seminal contributions in broad and novel plasma physics and laser-based accelerator physics, introducing the concept of Laser Wakefield Acceleration

Dawn Tan

Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

For pioneering and significant contributions to CMOS-compatible nonlinear optics and integrated photonics, as well as sustained outreach to advance diversity and inclusion in optics

Hong Tang

Yale University, USA

For outstanding contributions to chip-scale cavity optomechanics, and pioneering work on integrated nonlinear and quantum photonics based on chi(2) materials

Jacob Taylor

National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA

For contributions using quantum properties of light and matter for applications ranging from extremely sensitive sensors to quantum information processing

Simon Thibault

Université Laval, Canada

For contributions in the multidisciplinary fields of optics, imaging, and lens design as well as actively serving the optics community

Yuichi Tohmori

Tsurugi-Photonics Foundation, Japan

For outstanding contributions to pioneering research and developments of tunable semiconductor lasers for dense WDM optical communications

John Travers

Heriot-Watt University, UK

For pioneering research on nonlinear fiber optics, including supercontinuum generation and extreme pulse compression in both solid- and hollow-core fibers

Nicolas Treps

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université, France

For outstanding contributions to quantum optics, quantum metrology and quantum technologies, and for successful technology transfer to photonics industry

Dries Van Thourhout

Ghent University - IMEC, Belgium

For outstanding and sustained contributions to research on silicon photonics, particularly the integration of novel active materials through wafer bonding or epitaxy

Prabhat Verma

Osaka University, Japan

For outstanding and pioneering research and development on near-field optics, tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and optical nanoimaging

Ramon Vilaseca

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

For pioneering research in nonlinear optics, nonlinear laser dynamics, and ultra-fast laser pulse propagation in photonic crystals

Joel Villatoro

University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain

For seminal contributions to the research and development of interferometric optical fiber sensors and their applications

Brian Vohnsen

University College Dublin, Ireland

For significant contributions to vision science, including photoreceptor optics and high-resolution retinal imaging

Jian Wang

Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

For pioneering contributions to twisted light communications employing orbital angular momentum multiplexing and impact on photonic integrated devices for structuring light

Zhiming Wang

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

For significant contributions to the development of advanced optical materials and their applications in optoelectronic and photonic technologies

Christian Wetzel

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

For pioneering contributions to the development of group-III nitride semiconductor materials and the physics for green light emitters in characterization and epitaxy

Qihua Xiong

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

For outstanding contributions to semiconductor nanomaterials for optical spectroscopy, photonics and optoelectronics

Xiaodong Xu

University of Washington, USA

For seminal contributions to 2D semiconductor and heterostructure optics, and magneto-optical effects in 2D magnets

Makoto Yamada

Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

For significant contributions to optical fiber amplifiers particularly wideband WDM amplification, and pioneering contributions to distributed feedback structure analysis

Susanne Yelin

Harvard University, USA

For pioneering work in theoretical quantum optics with atoms, molecules and condensed matter, with many-body, nonlinear and cooperative systems

Yasha Yi

University of Michigan, USA

For significant contributions in integrated photonics and optoelectronics

Xiaobo Yin

University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

For outstanding achievements in micro-/nano-photonics and innovative research in photonics manufacturing for scalable applications

Richard N. Youngworth


For outstanding and sustained contributions to optical engineering, particularly to optics standards development for ANSI and ISO

Hans Zappe

University of Freiburg, Germany

For fundamental contributions to the development and application of tunable, liquid and soft-matter micro-optics

Anton Zeilinger

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

For decades of pioneering quantum optics and quantum information contributions, critically advancing understanding of the foundations and applications of quantum physics

Haibo Zeng

Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

For significant contributions to quantum dot optics and optoelectronics

Hao F. Zhang

Northwestern University, USA

For pioneering contributions to new optical coherence tomography and single-molecule imaging technologies and their applications to biomedicine

Qiang Zhang

University of Science and Technology of China, China

For pioneering contributions to quantum communication and quantum optics including testing quantum foundations and device-independent quantum randomness

Weidong Zhou

University of Texas at Arlington, USA

For significant contributions to photonic crystal membrane lasers and hybrid nanomembrane optoelectronics

Weimin Zhou

U.S. Army Research Laboratory, USA

For contributions to RF-photonics that have revolutionized the generation, transmission, control and detection of microwave signals using optical approaches

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