Adolph Lomb Medal
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Adolph Lomb Medal
Presented to an individual who has made a noteworthy contribution to optics at an early career stage. Contributions from any area of optics, fundamental or applied, are considered.
Candidates must be within ten (10) years of the completion of their highest degree earned in the year the medal is presented, excluding career breaks (e.g., eldercare, maternity or paternity leave, adoption).
The medal was established in 1940 to honor Adolph Lomb, the Society’s first treasurer, for his devotion to the Society and the advancement of optics.
For seminal contributions to nano-optics of low-dimensional semiconductors and development of excitonic meta-materials
For pioneering contributions to opto-mechanics, ultrashort pulse generation, novel fiber lasers, and multimode nonlinear optics
For pioneering contributions which led to the creation of a paradigm shift in light-matter interactions of photonic quasiparticles.
For important contributions to the advancement of computational microscopy and its applications
For significant contributions to optical quantum information technologies, especially on high-performance single-photon sources, quantum teleportation and optical quantum computing
For seminal contributions to nano-optics, three-dimensional optical metamaterials, as well as interdisciplinary scientific work regarding the development of DNA nanotechnology-based dynamic plasmonics
For pioneering contributions to scalable solid-state quantum memories in nitrogen-vacancy diamond, high-dimensional quantum key distribution, and photonic integrated circuits for quantum communication and computation
For pioneering contributions to plasmonic and photonic light-trapping in solar cells
For groundbreaking contributions to linear and nonlinear light evolution in photonic lattices, and photonic simulations of quantum, solid state, and relativistic phenomena
For outstanding contributions to the fields of optical metamaterials and plasmonic optics, and for development of the concept of plasmonic cloaking
For breakthrough contributions on integrated optical nano-biosensor and nanospectroscopy technologies based on nanoplasmonics, nanofluidics, and novel nanofabrication
For pioneering developments in biomedical optics, including laminar optical tomography and dynamic contrast enhanced molecular imaging
For seminal contributions to quantum optics, optical quantum metrology and quantum information through the foundation of the field of integrated quantum photonics
For innovative research combining biophotonics, nanotechnology, and biomedical engineering to produce optical molecular-imaging technologies that are changing the way physicians screen, detect, treat, and monitor cancer in vivo
For pioneering work in the development and commercialization of silicon photonics
For innovative contributions in quantum optics, particularly to aspects of quantum cloning, violations of Bell's inequalities and maximal photonic entanglement
For the discovery of novel soliton phenomena, and for seminal and innovative work in nonlinear and time dependent photonic crystals
For pioneering contributions to the coherent control of light, atoms, and molecules, including the shaped-pulse optimization of high order harmonic soft x-ray radiation
For contributions to the prediction and demonstration of single-cycle optical pulse generation by molecular modulation
For her contributions to our knowledge of the optics of the eye and the interactions of light with the retina
For developments making the new absorption technique of cavity ringdown spectroscopy an ultrasensitive absolute method for trace analysis of gas-phase species
For his contributions to theoretical developments and realization of atomic coherence effects in optics, including lasers without inversion, resonant enhancement of refractive index and nonlinear processes and spectroscopy of coherent media
In recognition of his pioneering achievements and technical leadership in the areas of ultra-high sensitivity laser spectroscopy, frequency metrology and quantum optics
For the first observations of nonlinear optical-pulse propagation in photonic bandgap materials, including solitons and modulational instabilities in fiber Bragg gratings as well as optical switching in long-period fiber gratings
For the development and application of innovative fabrication techniques for photonic bandgap structures, leading to the creation of the smallest photonic crystals with electromagnetic bandgaps at the highest achieved frequency bands
For pioneering work in solving the problem of replacing the absorbing substrate of red-orange-yellow-green (ROYG) In(AlGa)P light emitting diodes (LEDs) by wafer bonding and introducing a new high volume family of ultra high brightness ROYG LEDs exceeding in performance (lumens per watt) conventional sources such as the incandescent and halogen lamp
For application of electron-beam lithography to fabrication of circular diffraction gratings and demonstration of a surface-emitting semiconductor laser based on these gratings
For development of elegant femtosecond spectroscopic methods and their application to fundamental studies of metals, semiconductors and molecules
For his work in ultrashort pulse production, particularly the demonstration of the photon-pumped XUV laser and the production of ultrashort, x-ray pulses from femtosecond laser produced plasmas
For his pioneering contributions to nonlinear optical phenomena and all-optical switching in optical fibers
For his research and commercialization of high power semiconductor laser diode arrays and coherent single mode diode lasers
For pioneering contributions to the technique of femtosecond optical pulse shaping and its application to nonlinear optics, ultrafast, spectroscopy, and optical communications
For the demonstration of electrical waveform analysis by means of the electro-optic effect in conjunction with short optical pulses
For pioneering contributions to our understanding of nonlinear optical effects in semiconductors
For his contributions to understanding in three different areas of physiological and visual optics, namely: temporal responses of the human visual system, color vision, and artificial vision
In recognition of his contributions to the development of molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) lasers for optical communication systems and novel structures for semiconductor lasers, including the strip-buried-heterostructure (SBH) lasers, electrically injected multiquantum-well lasers, and SBH lasers with distributed Bragg reflectors suitable for integrated optics application
For his contributions to the use of nonlinear optical processes to achieve real-time conjugate-wavefront generation and image reconstruction
For his pioneering contributions to laser physics and technology, including the understanding of the optical breakdown strength in laser window materials, the development of ultrashort CO2 laser pulses, and the identification of laser plasma heating processes
For his contributions to laser spectroscopy, especially development of the techniques of three-wave mixing and two-photon absorption without Doppler broadening
for noteworthy contributions to the field of optics at an early career stage
for noteworthy contributions to the field of optics at an early career stage
for his contributions in the far infrared and first measurement of the sun’s rays at 1500μ; applications of apodizing; construction and use of a stellar interferometer with achromatized fringes; a method of using a grating twice to obtain double resolving power from it; and, more recently, observations on the temperature and infrared spectrum of the planets
For supplying a quantitative basis for the visibility of objects and lights
For his published work entitled "A New Calculus for the Treatment of Optical Systems"
* Deceased