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Optical Sensors (Sensors)

Optical Sensors (Sensors)

30 July 2023 – 03 August 2023 Munich, Germany


Developed spectroscopic technologies with applications across industries as well as cutting-edge technologies in transition from development to industrial settings are encouraged.




Optical Sensors (Sensors)
  1. Optical Fiber Sensors
    • Optical fiber sensors, in particular those related to safety, security and defense.
    • These will include both point (interferometric, polarimetric, refractometric and grating based) and distributed. Examples include, but are not restricted to, gyro, current, magnetic field, radiation, bio and chemical, strain, temperature, pressure, vibrations, DAS, OTDR and OFDR.
  2. Laser Based Sensors
    • Laser Based Sensors are based upon direct and indirect detection of laser light interacting with a target object, which inherently allow for non-invasive measurements with high precision and high accuracy as well as fast response. Thus, demands and challenges for laser-based sensors continue to grow in both science and technology.
    • Topics include laser ellipsometry, laser speckle imaging, laser spectroscopy, laser Doppler vibrometry, laser interferometry, laser light detection and ranging and laser-based quantum-enhanced sensing.
  3. Optical Biological and Chemical Sensors
    • Brings together early career and established researchers in the rapidly advancing field of optical biochemical sensors.
    • Technologies such as fluorescence, Raman and infrared spectroscopy, fiber optics, silicon photonics, nanophotonics and plasmonics have all found recent application in chemical and biological sensing. These sensors utilize similar scientific principles to tackle a wide variety of detection challenges from multiple disciplines.
    • Applications for these sensors addressing the critical needs in health, environment, food, forensics, safety,and security are all a focus of this meeting.
  4. Terahetz Sensors
    • Innovations in source and detector technologies, tailored electromagnetic materials and computational intelligence are making the terahertz spectral region (0.1 - 30 THz) much more accessible for innovative sensing concepts. 
    • Features contributions in all these areas, with an emphasis on exploring how the terahertz region provides unique capabilities to detect and recognize unique signatures.
  5. Quantum Sensors
    • Quantum sensors utilize the quantum properties of matter (such as quantized transitions in neutral atoms, ions and spin qubits) or quantum phenomena (including entanglement between different qubits or degrees of freedom) to measure physical quantities with unparalleled sensitivity, precision and accuracy.
    • Aims to cover quantum sensing technologies with real world applications as well as the development of devices and techniques that will advance sensing performance.
    • Topics include quantum sensors for timekeeping, inertial navigation, magnetometry, thermometry and other measurements; single-photon detection and quantum imaging systems; metasurfaces and integrated photonics for quantum sensors; enabling optical technologies to improve the preparation, control and measurement of quantum sensing systems; advanced approaches that will push the sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit.



Optical Biological and Chemical Sensors
Filiz Yesilkoy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USASubcommittee Chair
Tanya Hutter, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Foozieh Sohrabi, Akademie ved Ceske Republiky, Czech Republic
Nikita Toropov, University of Exeter, UK
Peter Zijlstra, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Optical Fiber Sensors
Katerina Krebber, Federal Institute for Materials Research, Germany, Subcommittee Chair
Xin Lu, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und, Germany
Sonia Martin-Lopez, Universidad de Alcala, Spain
Ali Masoudi, University of Southampton, UK
Aldo Minardo, Università della Campania, Italy
Yonas Muanenda, Scuola Superiore Sant Anna di Pisa, Italy
Carmen Vazquez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Laser Based Sensors
Yoonchan Jeong, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, Subcommittee Chair
Peter Dragic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Andrea Fiore, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Christian Grillet, CNRS, France
Peter Horak, University of Southampton, UK
Kwang Jo Lee, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
Peter Vasilev, University of Cambridge, UK

Quantum Sensing
Jennifer Choy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USASubcommittee Chair
Sara Mouradian, University of Washington, USA, Subcommittee Chair
Singha Aparajita, Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Germany
Federica Alberta Villa, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Quntao Zhuang, University of Southern California, USA

Terahertz Sensors
Henry Everitt, US Army DEVCOM Army Research LabUSA, Subcommittee Chair



Optical Sensors (Sensors)
  • Qammer Abbasi, University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom
    Intelligent Walls Enabled Healthcare for ALL
  • Romeo Bernini, Consiglio Nazionale delle RicercheItaly
    Distributed Chemical Sensing Through Light-Diffusing Optical Fibers
  • Fabian Buchfellner, Munich University of Applied SciencesGermany
    Intra-Spectral Temperature Compensated FBG Sensors for Hydrogen Detection and beyond
  • Cristina de Dios Fernández, Arquimea Research CenterSpain
    Optical Gyroscopes for Inertial Navigation: Opportunities and Challenges to Become a Widespread Technology
  • Fabrizio Di Pasquale, Scuola Superiore Sant Anna di PisaItaly
    Dynamic Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Interrogators on Silicon Chips
  • Miguel Gonzalez-Herraez, Universidad de AlcalaSpain
    What can we Learn About Climate Change Using Optical Fibers
  • Martijn Heck, Technische Universiteit EindhovenNetherlands
    Integrated Lasers for Sensing Applications
  • Jiri Homola, Institute of Photonics and ElectronicsCzech Republic
    Plasmonic Biosensors and Their Applications in Biomedicine
  • Young-Pyo Hong, Korea Research Inst of Standards & SciRepublic Of Korea
    Electro-Optic Sensing for Millimeter-Wave 5G Communications
  • Tanya Hutter, University of Texas at AustinUnited States
    Nanoporous-Core Waveguide for Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements of Gases
  • Johannes Kunsch, Laser Components GmbHGermany
    High-Speed Pyroelectric Detector for THz Sensing and Spectroscopy
  • Lukas Lang, ETH Zurich - Inst. of Quantum El.Switzerland
    Free-Running Dual-comb LiDAR at Long Distances with Real-Time Processing at a 7.7-kHz Update Rate
  • Vincent Lanticq, FEBUS OpticsFrance
    Raman-DTS, Brillouin-DSTS, Rayleigh-DAS, Complementarity for Strain and Temperature Measurement
  • Gareth Lees, AP Sensing UK Ltd.United Kingdom
    Digitalisation of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors
  • Felix Leyssner, engionic Femto Gratings GbRGermany
    fs-IR Laser Point-by-Point Inscription of Fiber Bragg Gratings for a New Generation of Miniature Sensors Using Novel 25µm Diameter Optical Fibers
  • Eric Lindner, FBGS Technologies GmbHGermany
    Long Distance and High Resolution FBG Sensing for Structural Health Monitoring
  • Nate Lindsey, Fiber Sense Pty LtdUnited States
    New applications of DAS/ɸ-OTDR
  • Cosmo Lupo, Politecnico di Bari Dipt ElettrotecnicaItaly
    Quantum and Quantum-Inspired Subwavelength Metrology
  • Ashley Lyons, University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom
    Fluorescence Lifetime Sensing with Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometry
  • Matthew Murray, University of Maryland Univ CollegeUnited States
    Dynamic Temperature-Strain Discrimination Using a Hybrid Distributed Fiber Sensor Based on Brillouin and Rayleigh Scattering
  • Mira Naftaly, National Physical Laboratory (UK)United Kingdom
    THz Sensing for Polymer Manufacturing
  • Elke Neu-Ruffing, Technische Universität KaiserslauternGermany
    Next Generation Diamond Sensors: Novel Materials, Nanotechnology and Hybrids
  • Kristian Nielsen, SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/SDenmark
    Unique Sensing Solutions Based on Polymer Optical Fibers: From Lab to Industry
  • Nathalie Picqué, Max-Planck-Institut fur QuantenoptikGermany
    3D Hyperspectral Imaging with Optical Frequency Combs
  • Ranjan Singh, Nanyang Technology of SingaporeSingapore
    On-Chip THz Topological Sensors
  • Daichi Suzuki, AIST KyushuJapan
    Portable and Attachable Terahertz Sensor Patch Toward On-Site Non-Destructive Diagnosis
  • Philip Taday, TeraView LtdUnited Kingdom
    Terahertz Sensors in Industry
  • Luc Thevenaz, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneSwitzerland
    Gas as Medium for Optical Fibre Sensing
  • Andreas Tittl, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität MunchenGermany
    Harnessing Photonic Bound States in the Continuum for AI-Enabled Biospectroscopy
  • Jean-Pierre van Helden, Leibniz Inst Plasmaforschung & TechGermany
    Plasma Diagnostics with THz Lasers
  • Uri Vool, Max-Planck-GesellschaftGermany
    Exploring Materials with Hybrid Superconducting Circuits
  • Yun-Feng Xiao, Peking UniversityChina
    Single Nanoparticle Detection Using Optical Whispering Gallery Microresonators
  • Avi Zadok, Bar-Ilan UniversityIsrael
    Forward Brillouin Fiber Lasers and Sensors
  • Zheshen Zhang, University of MichiganUnited States
    Distributed Quantum Sensing and Data Processing



Tobias Kippenberg
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Hybrid Low Loss Photonic Integrated Circuits: From Chipscale Frequency Combs, Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers to Cryogenic Interconnects

Recent advances in attaining ultra low loss highly confining silicon nitride waveguides with loss in the dB-meter range and their heterogeneous integration with MEMS and Lithium Niobate have opened up novel applications that benefit not only from scalable manufacturing, compact form factor and low power, but crucially have now reached a point where the performance is on par and even exceeding that of legacy optical systems. I will describe a range of novel advances, including photonic integrated circuit based frequency agile lasers with fiber laser phase noise, parametric traveling wave amplifiers, Erbium amplifiers on chip, as well as soliton frequency combs, with applications from coherent communications and LiDAR to cryogenic quantum interconnects.

About the Speaker

Tobias J. Kippenberg is Full Professor in the Institute of Physics and Electrical Engineering at EPFL in Switzerland since 2013 and joined EPFL in 2008 as Tenure Track Assistant Professor. Prior to EPFL he was Independent Max Planck Junior Research group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany. While at the MPQ he demonstrated radiation pressure cooling of optical micro-resonators and developed techniques with which mechanical oscillators can be cooled, measured and manipulated in the quantum regime — now part of the research field of Cavity Quantum Optomechanics. Moreover, his group discovered the generation of optical frequency combs using high Q micro-resonators, a principle known now as micro-combs or Kerr combs. This discovery unlocked record data transmission rate, which led to the development of new concepts in telecommunications in collaborations with industry. For his early contributions in these two research fields, he was recipient of the EFTF Award for Young Scientists (2011), The Hemholtz Prize in Metrology (2009), the EPS Fresnel Prize (2009), ICO Award (2014), Swiss Latsis Prize (2015), the Wilhelmy Klung Research Prize in Physics (2015), the 2018 ZEISS Research Award and the R. Wood Award (2021). Moreover, he is first-prize recipient of the "8th European Union Contest for Young Scientists" in 1996 and is listed in the Highly Cited Researchers List of 1% most cited physicists, 2014 – 2021. He is co-founder of the startup LIGENTEC SA, an integrated photonics foundry; DEEPLIGHT SA, a supplier of advanced laser sources; and LUXTELLIGENCE SA, a thin-film lithium niobate foundry.


Greg Rieker
University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Practical Dual Comb Spectroscopy to Improve Energy Systems: Navigating the Interfaces Between Science, Engineering and Industry

A decade of collaboration on dual comb spectroscopy between scientists, engineers, business-people and industrial end-users is reducing methane leakage across vast areas of oil and gas production and optimizing performance of energy producing chemical reactions.

About the Speaker
Greg Rieker is an Associate Professor and Vogel Family Faculty Fellow in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. He leads the Precision Laser Diagnostics Laboratory, which aims to understand and improve energy and atmospheric systems through laser-based sensing. Greg earned a BS from the Missouri University of Science and Technology and MS and PhD degrees from Stanford University. He has affiliations with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Greg received the NSF CAREER award, the Peter Werle and Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Scientist Awards and the Colorado Governor’s Award for High-impact Research. He is a senior member of the National Academy of Inventors and co-founder and CTO of LongPath Technologies, Inc.


Special Events

2023 Special Events

IONS+ Munich

Sunday, 30 July 07:00 – 19:00
Hilton Munich Park
Fee: USD 50

IONS+ Munich 2023 is a full-day event for students attending the Optica Sensing Congress. IONS, which started in 2008, affords students the opportunity to build an environment where they can exchange research, hear from luminaries and professionals in the field and enjoy the local culture of the host city. The event is open to all students.


Panel Discussion: Eyes on the Planet – Advances, Limitations and Challenges in Spaceborne Spectrometer Development and Cross-Mission Synergies

Tuesday, 01 August 14:00 – 15:30

Presider: Kevin Turpie, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA

Emiliano Carmona, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Tobias Storch ,German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Claudia Giardino, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Jens Nieke, European Space Agency, France
David Thompson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Joe Salisbury, University of New Hampshire, USA
Heidi Dierssen, University of Connecticut, USA
Daniel Spengler, ConstellR GmbH, Germany
Sivert Bakken, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Keely Roth, Planet Labs PBC, USA
Arnold Dekker, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia


Congress Reception

Wednesday, 02 August 18:00 – 19:30
Foyer Mezzanine

This welcome reception is an excellent opportunity to meet or reconnect with friends, colleagues and fellow attendees. 


Panel Discussion - Application of Remote Sensing to Real-World Problems – Strategies, Successes and Challenges

Thursday, 03 August 12:00 – 13:00

Wesley Moses, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Sanna Kaasalainen, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Finland

Heike Bach, Vista GmbH, Germany
Jean-Philippe MacLean, GHGSat, Inc.,Canada
Chris Rampersad, EarthDaily Analytics, Canada
Andrea Vander Woude, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, USA
Eyal Ben-Dor, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Arnold Dekker, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia


Congress Farewell

Thursday, 03 August 16:30 – 17:00
Foyer Mezzanine

Please join your fellow congress attendees for a farewell toast. 


CANCELLED: Tour of Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH

Friday, 04 August 10:30 – 14:30
Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH

***This event has been cancelled***

Enjoy a tour of Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH with your fellow congress attendees. Discover the art of brewing and immerse yourself in the exciting history of the Spaten, Franziskaner and Löwenbräu breweries. Transportation from the Hilton Munich Park Hotel, beer and snacks are included.

A EUR 65 fee is required to reserve your spot on the tour. 


Image for keeping the session alive