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OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference

OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference

14 September 2020 – 17 September 2020 OSA Virtual Event - Eastern Daylight Time (UTC - 04:00)

Stimulating and facilitating the development of quantum information science and technology.

Quantum 2.0 is a new OSA conference focusing on the development and use of many-body quantum superposition, entanglement, and measurement to advance science and technology. Examples are quantum computing and simulation, quantum communications, and quantum sensing. New resulting technologies will potentially go far beyond the (quantum 1.0) capabilities offered by systems without the conceptual need for large-scale superposition or entanglement, examples of which are conventional semiconductor electronics, laser-based communication systems and magnetic-resonance medical imagers.

Quantum 2.0 refers to the development and use of many-particle quantum superposition and entanglement in large engineered systems to advance science and technology. Examples of such large quantum systems are quantum computers and simulators, quantum communication networks, and arrays of quantum sensors. New resulting technologies will go far beyond the (quantum 1.0) capabilities offered by single systems.

This conference—the second in the series— will bring together academics, engineers, national laboratory and industry scientists and others working to advance quantum science and technology. Our goal is to promote the development of mature quantum technologies that will allow us to build Quantum 2.0 systems capable of quantum advantage. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and discover common ground, and potentially build collaborations leading to new concepts or development opportunities.

The Quantum 2.0 2022 conference is open to scientists and engineers interested in developing and using quantum systems and to computer/information scientists interested in processing and controlling information on quantum devices. The meeting is expected to be of particular interest to those who employ optical techniques, broadly interpreted, to implement and use the technology. These technologies include, but are not limited to:

Scalable quantum computers, simulators, or entanglement-based communications networks; quantum-enhanced sensors including accelerometers, gravimeters, magnetometers, interferometers, microscopes, telescopes, rangers, spectrometers, clocks, quantum lights sources and detectors; sensor networks; distributed or remote quantum processors; quantum-enabled information processors and quantum algorithmic design. Both fundamental and applied studies, including theoretical or algorithmic, of the above are appropriate.

Quantum-enabled platforms and techniques of interest include, but are not limited to:

Atoms (neutrals and ions), spin and charge qubits in solid-state systems, optical quantum dots defined by impurities or other defects, superconducting quantum circuitry, optical- and microwave-controlled qubits, optomechanical systems, all-optical quantum processing systems, state-preserving frequency conversion, optical fiber and related devices and systems, integrated optics, quantum repeaters, key distribution, optical and radio satellite and deep-space communication.

The challenges facing the QIST community today, and which the conference intends to address, include:

  • creating and controlling large collections of simple quantum systems with sufficient precision to attain a ‘quantum advantage’ in computing, communication, or metrology.
  • discovering and implementing the ‘killer apps’ that can be realized only by Quantum 2.0 solutions.
  • discovering and implementing new applications of QIST in broader areas of science
  • developing a scientific and industrial/economic ‘ecosystem’ that will enable eventual commercial success of Quantum 2.0 technologies.
  • growing a workforce, including young and diverse members, suited to bringing quantum technology into practice.
  • assessing and acting on societal benefits and risks brought by newly developing quantum technologies.



1. Quantum Computing & Simulation

  • Algorithms and Software
  • atomic qubits (neutrals and ions)
  • spin and charge qubits in solid-state systems
  • optical quantum dot qubits defined by impurities or other defects
  • superconducting quantum circuitry
  • optical- and microwave-controlled qubits
  • optomechanical quantum systems
  • all-optical quantum processing systems

2. Quantum Communication Systems

  • quantum communication & network management theory
  • quantum repeaters
  • quantum optical memory
  • quantum key distribution
  •  near-Earth and deep-space quantum communications

3. Quantum Metrology & Sensors

  • matter-based quantum-enhanced sensors: e.g. magnetic and electric field sensors, gravimeters, accelerometers & clocks
  • light-based sensors: e.g. quantum-enhanced imaging, spectroscopy and ranging

4. Hybrid Systems, Quantum Interconnects

  • qubit transduction and interconversion
  • photonic quantum frequency conversion
  • quantum photon-device impedance matching

5. Quantum Photonic Sources & Detectors

  • discrete (single- and multi-photon) sources
  •  continuous-variable quantum optical sources 
  • discrete and continuous-variable optical detectors
  • theory of quantum detection & measurement

6. Integrated-Optics Quantum Platforms & Devices

  • all-optical (passive) implementations
  • matter-mediated (active) implementations

7. Optical & Laser Technology for QIST Systems

  •  lasers & optical frequency combs
  •  laser beam modulation and control
  • photon detection electronics
  • electronics and software for QIST control systems



Program Committee

  • Ronald Holzwarth, Menlo Systems GmbH, GermanyChair
  • Christopher Monroe, University of Maryland at College Park, United StatesChair
  • Michael Raymer, University of Oregon, United StatesChair
  • Dana Anderson, University of Colorado at Boulder, United States
  • Nathalie de Leon, Princeton University, United States
  • Dirk Englund, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
  • Warren Grice, Qubitekk, Inc., United States
  • Travis Humble, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Thomas Jennewein, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Jungsang Kim, Duke University, United States
  • Anne Matsuura, Intel Corporation, United States
  • Kae Nemoto, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • Jian-Wei Pan, University of Science and Technology of China, China
  • Cindy Regal, University of Colorado at Boulder JILA, United States
  • Mark Saffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
  • Bruno Sanguinetti, Dotphoton AG, Switzerland
  • Raymond Simmonds, NIST
  • Mark Tolbert, TOPTICA Photonics Inc, United States
  • Ian Walmsley, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Andrew White, University of Queensland, Australia



  • Ignacio Cirac, Max-Planck-Institut fur QuantenoptikGermany
    Quantum Algorithms for Finite Energies and Temperatures Keynote
  • Marissa Giustina, Google LLCUnited States
    Building Google’s Quantum Computer Keynote
  • Mikhail Lukin, Harvard UniversityUnited States
    Programmable Quantum Systems for Simulations, Computation and Networking Keynote
  • Gregoire Ribordy, ID Quantique SASwitzerland
    Quantum Technologies for Long-Term Data Security Keynote
  • Christopher Ballance, University of OxfordUnited Kingdom
    Networking Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
  • Ania Bleszynski Jayich, University of California Santa BarbaraUnited States
    Sensing with Diamond NV Centers: the Double-edged Sword of Sensitivity
  • Benjamin Bloom, Atom Computing United States
    Programmable Neutral Atom Systems
  • John Bollinger, National Inst of Standards & TechnologyUnited States
    Quantum Simulation and Sensing with Large Trapped-Ion Crystals
  • Philippe Bouyer, Institut d'OptiqueFrance
    Quantum Sensors Out of the Lab: from GPS Free Navigation to Tests of Gravitation
  • Jerry Chow, IBM TJ Watson Research CenterUnited States
    Quantum Circuits Over the Cloud and the Future of Quantum Hardware
  • Eleni Diamanti, CNRSFrance
    Secure Communications in Quantum Networks
  • Dirk Englund, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited States
    Large-Scale Quantum Photonics for Computing and Communications
  • Eden Figueroa, SUNY Stony BrookUnited States
    Building an Entanglement-sharing Quantum Network in New York
  • Saikat Guha, University of ArizonaUnited States
    Quantifying and Attaining Quantum Limits of Classical and Quantum Communications
  • Cornelius Hempel, University of SydneyAustralia
    Quantum Firmware: Ingredients and Applications
  • Thomas Jennewein, University of WaterlooCanada
    Advancing Satellite Based Quantum Communication Using Entanglement
  • Liang Jiang, University of ChicagoUnited States
    Bosonic Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits
  • Mark Kasevich, Stanford UniversityUnited States
    Atom Interferometric Test of the Equivalence Principle at the 1e-12 g Level
  • Hidetoshi Katori, University of TokyoJapan
    Transportable Optical Lattice Clocks to Test Gravitational Redshift
  • Adam Kaufman, JILAUnited States
    Atom Arrays of Ultracold Strontium: New Tools for Metrology and Many-body Physics
  • Patricia Lee, Honeywell International IncUnited States
    An Overview of Trapped Ion Quantum Computing at Honeywell
  • Alexander Ling, Centre for Quantum TechnologiesSingapore
    Demonstration of Entanglement Onboard A Nano-Satellite
  • Peter Maunz, Sandia National Laboratories AlbuquerqueUnited States
    Microfabricated ion Traps for Research and Commercial Quantum Computers
  • Prineha Narang, Harvard UniversityUnited States
    Designing and Controlling Quantum Materials for Quantum Technologies
  • Kae Nemoto, National Institute of InformaticsJapan
    Universal Quantum Simulation with a One-dimensional Quantum Processor
  • Hanhee Paik, IBM Watson Research Center YKT LibUnited States
    Quantum Transduction for Superconducting Qubits Using Electro-optic SiGe/Si Waveguides
  • Monika Schleier-Smith, Stanford UniversityUnited States
    Engineering Quantum Spin Models with Atoms and Light
  • Fabio Sciarrino, Univ degli Studi di Roma La SapienzaItaly
    Experimental Violation of N-locality in Quantum Networks
  • Daniel Slichter, NISTUnited States
    Integrating the Trapped Ion Quantum Processor
  • Tim Taminiau, Technische Universiteit DelftNetherlands
    Quantum Computation, Networks and Sensing with Spins in Diamond
  • Ron Walsworth, Joint Quantum InstituteUnited States
    Quantum Diamond Sensors
  • Hailin Wang, University of OregonUnited States
    Phononic Quantum Networks of Spins in Diamond
  • Joerg Wrachtrup, Universität Stuttgart
    Probing Material Properties with a Nanoscale Quantum Sensor
  • Norman Yao, University of California Berkeley
    Simulating Gravity via Many-body Teleportation
  • Jun Ye, University of Colorado at Boulder JILAUnited States
    A Quantum Many-body System and Clock


Keynote Speakers

Ignacio Cirac

Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Quantum Algorithms for Finite Energies and Temperatures

I will introduce two quantum algorithms to determine finite energy and temperature properties of many-body quantum systems [1]. The first one obtains the desired result in polynomial time in the number of qubits. The other one uses the quantum computer as a subroutine for a Monte Carlo method and avoids the so-called sign problem. Both of them can be used with NISQ and analog quantum simulators. [1] S. Lu, M.C. Banuls, and J.I. Cirac, arXiv:2006.03032

About the Speaker

Born in Manresa, Spain. In 1988, he graduated in Theoretical Physics from the Complutense University, Madrid, and gained his PhD in 1991. Between 1991 and 1996, he was Associate Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. From 1996 until 2001 he was Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Since 2001 he is the director of the Theory Division at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Honorary Professor at the Technical University of Munich. The focus of his research work is the quantum theory of information and quantum optics. With his colleague Peter Zoller, he made the first proposals to build quantum computers, quantum simulators, and quantum repeaters using atoms, ions, photons and other physical systems. He also introduced basic concepts and techniques in quantum information theory and, in particular, in entanglement theory. In the last years, he introduced the tensor networks states called PEPS, developed their theory, and related the entanglement of a many-body quantum system with the possibility of describing it efficiently.

Marissa Giustina

Google AI Quantum

Building Google’s Quantum Computer

The Google AI Quantum team develops chip-based circuitry that one can interact with (control and read out) and which behaves reliably according to a simple quantum model. Such quantum hardware holds promise as a platform for tackling problems intractable to classical computing hardware. While the demonstration of a universal, fault-tolerant, quantum computer remains a goal for the future, it has informed the design of a prototype with which we have recently controlled a quantum system of unprecedented scale. This talk introduces Google’s quantum computing effort from both hardware and quantum-information perspectives, including an overview of recent technological developments and results.

About the Speaker

Dr. Marissa Giustina is a senior research scientist and quantum electronics engineer in the Google AI Quantum hardware team. She joined Google’s quantum computing research effort in 2016, and much of her work since then has focused on developing and deploying the technological infrastructure needed to scale up the team’s quantum processors by an order of magnitude in qubit number. Prior to Google, Dr. Giustina worked at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, where she designed, built, and published a “loophole-free” experiment testing Bell’s inequality using entangled optical photons.

Mikhail Lukin

Harvard University

Programmable Quantum Systems for Simulations, Computation and Networking

Realization of quantum systems that may be capable of outperforming the existing classical counterparts in executing useful tasks is a central challenge in quantum science and engineering. In this talk, I will describe two related examples of our recent work towards these goals. In the first example, I will describe the recent advances involving programmable, coherent manipulation of quantum many-body systems using atom arrays excited into Rydberg states. I will describe our recent technical upgrades that now allow the control over 200 atoms in two-dimensional arrays. Recent progress involving the exploration of exotic many-body phenomena, as well as realization and testing of quantum optimization algorithms using such systems, will be discussed. In the second example, I will report on our progress towards realization of quantum repeaters for long-distance quantum communication. Specifically, I will describe experimental realization of memory-enhanced quantum communication, which utilizes a solid-state spin memory integrated in a nanophotonic diamond resonator to implement asynchronous Bell-state measurements. This enables a four-fold increase in the secret key rate of measurement device independent quantum key distribution over the loss-equivalent direct-transmission method while operating at megahertz clock rates. Prospects for scaling up these techniques, including realization of larger quantum processors and quantum networks will be discussed.

About the Speaker

Mikhail Lukin received the Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University in 1998. He has been a Professor of Physics at Harvard since 2004, where he is currently co-Director of the Harvard Quantum Initiative in Science and Engineering and co-Director of the Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms. He has co-authored over 400 technical papers and has received a number of awards, including the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, David and Lucile Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering, NSF Career Award, Adolph Lomb Medal of the Optical Society of America, AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize, APS I.I.Rabi Prize, Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics, and the Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics. He is a fellow of the OSA, APS, and AAAS and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Mikhail Lukin's research is in the areas of quantum optics and quantum information science. His current interests include quantum manipulation of atomic and nanoscale solid-state systems, quantum metrology and its applications, quantum nonlinear optics and nanophotonics. He and his group are developing new techniques for controlling strongly interacting photons, ultracold atoms, and solid-state atom-like systems. These techniques are used to study fundamental physical phenomena associated with quantum dynamics of many-body systems and to facilitate implementation of novel applications in quantum information processing, quantum communication and quantum metrology. These include realization and studies of novel quantum states of matter away from equilibrium, realization of quantum computers and quantum networks, and development of nanoscale quantum sensors with applications ranging from material science to biological imaging. In the course of this work they are also exploring the new scientific interfaces between quantum optics, atomic physics, condensed matter and information science.

Grégoire Ribordy

ID Quantique

Quantum Technologies for Long-Term Data Security

Quantum computing poses a major threat to the most commonly deployed public key cryptography algorithms, which are key building blocks of our information security infrastructure. With advances in the field of quantum computing, it becomes important to upgrade this infrastructure to use approaches with a resistant to this threat. One approach is to use quantum technologies, such as quantum key distribution and quantum random number generation, in combination with traditional cryptographic techniques in order to enhance their resilience. In this presentation, we will review the current state of the art of practical quantum key distribution and quantum random number generators and discuss current areas of research. We will also present examples of applications and use cases.

About the Speaker

Grégoire Ribordy studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, where he obtained his master in 1995 with a specialization in optics. Passionate about applications of science and technology, he then decided to join industry and had the opportunity to work in the R&D department of Nikon Corp. in Tokyo, Japan. During his 18 months stay in this country, Ribordy also learned to speak Japanese. Upon his return to Switzerland, Ribordy decided to go back to academia to obtain his PhD, but he was careful to select a research group with strong ties to applications and from which start-ups had already been spun off. He thus joined the Group of Applied Physics of University of Geneva and worked in the field of quantum cryptography under the guidance of Prof. Nicolas Gisin and Hugo Zbinden. After obtaining his PhD in 2000, he decided to start a company in October 2001– ID Quantique – to pursue the commercial opportunities of quantum technologies in the field of secure communications. The company was the first to bring products such as quantum random number generators and quantum cryptography to the market. In 2007 in a world premiere, ID Quantique’s quantum cryptography solution was used to secured communication between two datacenters in Geneva, Switzerland. ID Quantique currently has a staff of about 100 employees and is the world leader in the field of quantum-safe cryptography. In October 2016, Ribordy has been appointed to the High-Level Steering Group set up by the European Commission to provide advice on its Quantum technologies strategy. In October 2017, Ribordy, along with other ID Quantique co-founders Profs. Nicolas Gisin and Hugo Zbinden, received the Innovation Medal of the University of Geneva. More recently, in September 2018, he has been selected as one of the 100 Digital Shapers (people who lead digitalization of the country) in Switzerland. Ribordy has co-authored more than 25 scientific papers and is listed as an inventor on more than 10 patents. Ribordy is also the recipient of several awards for technology entrepreneurship such as the 2001 New Entrepreneurs in Technology and Science Prize or the 2002 de Vigier Award for Young Swiss Entrepreneurs.


Special Events

Panel: Workforce Development in Quantum Science and Technology

Tuesday, 15 September 15:45 – 16:45

Following on the momentum of worldwide quantum initiatives, this panel presentation and discussion will focus on Workforce Development in Quantum Science and Technology, a topic of interest in industry, government and academia. Innovative approaches are needed for training both new entrants into the workforce and current workforce members.  

What are the attributes and skills needed by a “quantum engineer”? Are these skills uniform or diverse across subfields? How to best train people in these skills? What examples of specific efforts in this direction are taking place now, and can they be “ported” to other venues? What roles can be played by industry, government and academia in developing a workforce “pipeline”? 


  • Tommaso Calarco, University of Cologne, Germany
  • William Clark, General Dynamics, USA
  • Emily Edwards, Illinois Quantum Information Science & Technology Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Sonika Johri, IonQ, Inc., USA
  • William Oliver, MIT & Lincoln Laboratory, USA
Are You a #FutureShaper? Quantum Workforce Skills and Careers

Wednesday, 16 September 08:30 – 10:00

Buzz about the quantum workforce is trending globally.

  1. What are the jobs and skills required to break into this new ecosystem?
  2. What is life like for an optical physicist or engineer in the quantum world?
  3. How do you become a player and start a career in quantum?

There are a lot of questions but not always a lot of answers. Honeywell and The OSA Foundation invite you to explore these questions and others as part of our career workshop associated with the OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference.

Tony Uttley, President, Honeywell Quantum Solutions, USA
Mark Tolbert, President, Toptica
Susan Schwamberger, Senior Human Resources/Operations Director, Honeywell, USA
Araceli Venegas-Gomez, Founder, QURECA, United Kingdom
Matthew Wald, Senior HR/Operations Specialist, Honeywell, USA
Bradley Holt, Workforce Development, IBM Quantum, USA​

Sign up today. This workshop requires separate registration, as we need you to select between three 30 minute breakout groups. Register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.

Meet the Keynote Speakers - Ignacio Cirac

Wednesday, 16 September 15:15 – 15:45

Join your colleagues for a lively conversation with Keynote Speaker Ignacio Cirac.

OSA Quantum Optical Science and Technology Technical Group 20x20 Talks

Wednesday, 16 September 18:30 – 19:30

This special session hosted by the OSA Quantum Optical Science and Technology Technical Group offers a unique platform for individuals to present their research in a creative and concise fashion that differs from the usual oral or poster session. Join us as selected participants from the technical group showcase their research in a presentation of 20 images. Our presenters will talk along to the images in their presentation as each slide advances automatically after just 20 seconds.

OSA Quantum Optical Science and Technology Technical Group

Meet the Keynote Speakers - Mikhail Lukin

Thursday, 17 September 15:15 – 15:45

Join your colleagues for a lively conversation with Keynote Speaker Mikhail Lukin.

The OSA Quantum 2.0 Conference will be presented with OSA Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS (FiO + LS). All Quantum registrants will have full access to any FiO + LS special event via the FiO website. Below are a few FiO/LS events that may be of interest to Quantum 2.0 attendees.

OIDA Roadmap Roundtable—Part 1: Quantum Communications
Tuesday, 15 September, 08:00 - 10:00

This is the first of two online discussions at OSA’s Frontiers in Optics Conference to review the requirements on optical components for applications of quantum technology. This first roundtable will focus on quantum communication, particularly quantum key distribution and quantum computer networking. The aim of the event is to assess and revise, if necessary, the requirements described in the document published this year, OIDA Quantum Photonics Roadmap—Every Photon Counts. The event will feature experts invited to offer their perspectives, and attendees will also be encouraged to participate in the interactive discussion.

FiO + LS Plenary Speakers
Tuesday, 15 September, 12:30 - 13:30; Wednesday, 16 September, 12:30 - 13:30

Federico Capasso, Robert Wallace Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University, USA
Structuring Light with Flat Optics

Nergis Mavalvala, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Title to be Determined

OIDA Roadmap Roundtable—Part 2: Quantum Sensing
Wednesday, 16 September, 17:00 - 19:00

This is the second of two online discussions at OSA’s Frontiers in Optics Conference to review the requirements on optical components for applications of quantum technology. This second roundtable will focus on quantum sensors, such as optical clocks, gravimeters, and magnetometers. The aim of the event is to assess and revise, if necessary, the requirements described in the document published this year, OIDA Quantum Photonics Roadmap—Every Photon Counts. The event will feature experts invited to offer their perspectives, and attendees will also be encouraged to participate in the interactive discussion.


Image for keeping the session alive