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Workshop Program

Workshop Agenda*

19 March 2017
7:30 - 8:15 Registration and Breakfast
8:15 - 8:30 Welcome Remarks
8:30 - 10:00 Session 1: Keynote Presentations
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:45 Session 2: Applications and Challenges
11:45 - 13:00 Lunch Break and Poster Session
13:00 - 13:30 Photonics Manufacturing Outsourcing for Startups and Small Companies
13:30 - 15:30 Session 3: Bringing Integrated Photonics to Market
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session 4: Update on AIM Photonics Project
17:30 - 18:00 Session 5: Workshop Wrap-up
18:00 - 19:00 Networking Reception
*times are subject to change

Workshop Sessions

Session 1: Keynotes
Moderator: Peter O'Brien, Head of Group, Photonics Packaging Research, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
Keynote speakers will examine the state of the art and future trends for major application areas for integrated photonics. Talks will focus on the manufacturing, technology, and business trends and eco-system for bringing integrated photonics to market.

Integrated Photonic Networks for Data Centers - the ARPA-E ENLITENED Program
Mike Haney, Program Director, ARPA-E, USA
Data centers—and the optical interconnection networks within them—are approaching performance  barriers  that demand  new  cost-effective integration and packaging approaches and a path to large-scale manufacturability.  This talk will present a vision for achieving transformative data-center networks – and the associated targets for chip-scale integrated photonic circuits – under the recently announced ENLITENED Program from the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).

Towards an Automated World:  Sensors  for IoT and Industry 4.0
Francisco Hernández Guillén, Research Engineer, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
New industrial and social paradigm of a highly automated production methods and social interactions now called Industry 4.0 and IoTS (Internet of Things and Services) can just be reached by the convergence of sensing with an adequate and coordinate actuation. In order to reach this, an improvement of our current sensing possibilities is needed, that meaning, not just  an improvement in the sensor performance and an expansion in the number of parameter these sensors are able to address but also and especially an increase in the total number of sensors. We strongly believe that many of this new sensing needs can be addressed by optical based sensors and we want to evaluate the necessity of a ramp-up in the production capability by comparing the similar way which followed the evolution of MEMS sensors from specialty devices for the automotive industry to the almost ubiquity in smart-devices.    

Bringing Silicon Photonics to Production
Pete Magill, Elenion Technologies, USA
An excellent example of successful mass production can be found in the CMOS ecosystem. This talk will expound on CMOS production and what it means to adopt those tools, processes and fabs for Silicon Photonics. 

Photonics Manufacturing Outsourcing for Startups and Small Companies
Frank Levinson, General Partner, Phoenix Venture Partners, USA
Photonics is still a scientific and engineering area rich with novel applications and because of this there are many opportunities for startups and new companies.  As startups progress from ideas to prototypes to first products, one big decision they must make is whether to set up their own factories and, if not, how will they manufacture their products.  What processes must you keep inside the company and what can you outsource?  It is always tempting to believe that it is best to control your product’s manufacturing challenges.  Most small startups fail because they “run out of money”, and one of the best ways not to run out is to share manufacturing infrastructure with others in a non-competitive way.  This talk will discuss how manufacturing outsourcing can be an early part of a photonics startup business plan.

Session 2: Applications and Challenges
Moderator: Liam Barry, Professor, Dublin City University, Ireland
This session will explore the manufacturing challenges across different applications from different dimensions within the supply chain and market eco-system, including foundries, packaging, and standards. This session will include a panel discussion.

Silicon Photonics – Driving Data Center Connectivity Through High Volume Wafer Scale Manufacturing
Robert Blum, Director, Strategic Marketing & Business Development, Intel, USA
Abstract not available.

Cost Models to Support Strategic Decision Making in the Photonics Industry
Randolph Kirchain, Principal Research Scientist, MIT, USA
Microphotonics have the potential to revolutionize the compute sector. To realize that potential they must overcome key technical challenges while dramatically dropping in cost. There are many possible technology trajectories to move towards those technical and economic goals. Several technology-driven industries including automotive, aerospace, and electronics have leveraged technical cost models to identify the most promising technology options from a diverse field. Such models can be used to support both private internal decisions and to support collective roadmapping exercises. This presentation will discuss key elements of such models to properly support photonics decision-making and describe examples of their application in both photonics and other industries.

Scalable Electro-optical Assembly Techniques for Silicon Photonics
Bert Offrein, Manager Neuromorphic Devices and Systems, IBM Zurich, Switzerland

International Standardisation of Photonic Integrated Circuits
Richard Pitwon, Photoncis Group Leader, Seagate Technology, UK
Although standardisation is not a prerequisite to commercial deployment, it can be instrumental in accelerating adoption of an emerging technology. In this talk, we present the activities of the first international standardisation group for Photonic Integrated Circuit technologies, hosted by the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC). We present a roadmap for standardisation of PIC technologies and an overview of the first PIC packaging standards. We also provide an overview of activities in Europe and design standardisation of converged data centre test systems to allow accelerated test and deployment of advanced PIC solutions.

Session 3: Bringing Integrated Photonics to Market
Moderator: Tom Hausken, Senior Industry Advisor, OSA, USA
In this session, speakers will provide perspectives and share experiences related to different size organizations and the overall eco-system for bringing integrated photonics based products to market. Issues unique to both small and large companies will be considered. This session will include a panel discussion.

Impact of Integrated Photonics on the Optical Communications Market
Vladimir Kozlov, CEO and Founder, LightCounting Market Research, USA
The potential impact of photonic integration on the optical communications market has captivated the imagination of the industry for the last two decades. Recent successes of vendors developing integrated products using Silicon photonics (SiP) accelerated progress in more mature Indium Phosphide (InP) and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) technologies. All these technologies are well positioned to capture a share of the optical communications market in the next five years. LightCounting projects that sales of integrated photonics will account for 50% of the total market for optical components and modules in 2021.

Monolithic Integrated Transceiver Chips – The pass to Ultra Low Cost Interconnects
Sven Otte, CEO, Sicoya, Germany
The enormous growth of bandwidth will fuel the data center equipment market growth and the demand for optical components and interconnects. Besides new approaches to network architectures, this requires disruptive optical interconnect technologies using highly integrated components and scalable manufacturing processes.

The most viable way to reduce costs tremendously lies in on-chip integration. Sicoya and its foundry IHP GmbH have, over 10 years, developed a process that is capable of manufacturing both the analog electronics and the optics on the same silicon chip with no loss of performance. This has been for 15 years the holy grail of silicon photonics. It means that cost of electronics is vastly reduced, power loss by the on-chip electronics is significantly reduced, and high-speed performance is significantly enhanced.

There is a comprehensive library of photonic and electronic components available, that has reached an advanced product maturity for 100Gb/s optical interconnect solutions. Furthermore the design platform enables a fast transition to 200Gb/s and 400Gb/s transceiver chips.

Title TBD
Merhdad Ziari, Senior Director, Infinera, USA

Session 4: Update on AIM Photonics Project
This session will provide updates on the projects currently in progress at AIM Photonics or other developments related to AIM Photonics.

AIM Goals and Status: Michael Liehr, CEO, SUNY Polytechnic Inst., USA

Call for Proposals: Thomas Koch, Technical Review Board Chair, Univ. of Arizona, USA

MPW and Packaging Capabilities: Doug Coolbaugh, COO, SUNY Polytechnic Inst., USA

PDK: Brett Attaway, EPDA Executive, SUNY Polytechnic Inst., USA

III-V on InP and on Si: John Bowers, Deputy CEO, UC Santa Barbara, USA

IPSR On Board Optical Interconnection Projects: Dr. Terry L. Smith, Senior Staff Scientist, 3M Company Central Research Laboratory, USA and Tom Marrapode, Director of Advanced Interconnect Technology, Molex, USA

Session 5: Workshop Wrap-up
This session begins with comments from pre-selected speakers who try to summarize the findings of the day in a few words or sentences.  Then the audience is invited to offer the same or discuss them.  This is intended as a way to leave the attendees with more than just presentations, but also some conclusions about ramping to volume manufacturing.

Image for keeping the session alive