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Enabling Technologies for Optical Transport and Access Networks in the 5G Era


Enabling Technologies for Optical Transport and Access Networks in the 5G Era

04 August 2020

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC -05:00)

Optical networks are supporting a wide range of communication services including residential services, enterprise services, and mobile services. The 5th-generation (5G) wireless brings to optical networking new requirements such as high bandwidth, low latency, accurate synchronization, and the ability to perform network slicing and autonomous operation etc. All these requirements are being addressed by the so-called 5G-oriented optical networks. This OSA webinar aims to highlight the dramatic technological advances in optical transport and access networks over the last few years and provide new perspectives on what to expect in the 5G era.

About Our Speaker: Xiang Liu, Futurewei Technologies 

Xiang Liu headshotXiang Liu is VP for Optical Transport and Access at Futurewei Technologies focusing on advanced optical technologies and industry development for optical transmission and access networks. Xiang has more than 20 years of experience in the optical communication industry. Before joining Futurewei, Xiang had been with Bell Labs working on high-speed optical transmission technologies. Xiang has a Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from Cornell University. He has authored over 350 publications and holds over 95 US patents. He has served as a General Co-Chair of OFC 2018, and is currently serving as a Deputy Editor of Optics Express. Dr. Liu is a Fellow of the OSA and the IEEE.

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