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Quantum Applications in Biomedicine and Material Chemistry (QA)


Quantum Applications in Biomedicine and Material Chemistry

This group leverages quantum knowledge to pioneer new directions in biomedicine and material chemistry research, and reciprocally, to harness advancements in these fields to further quantum applications in computing, communications, imaging and spectroscopy.

Quantum Applications in Biomedicine and Material Chemistry (QA)

Our group aims to leverage quantum knowledge to pioneer new directions in biomedicine and material chemistry research, and reciprocally, to harness advancements in these fields to further quantum applications in computing, communications, imaging and spectroscopy. Emerging quantum domains have the potential to significantly broaden our understanding and contribute to breakthroughs in biomedicine and material chemistry. Quantum phenomena such as entangled photons and exotic states can manifest in biological systems like photosynthesis and quantum chemical reactions. Moreover, engineering biological and chemical materials into single photon sources, 2D quantum materials, and nonlinear materials can advance quantum technologies. Our focus encompasses studying quantum phenomena such as charge transport, energy transfer, and strong and weak coupling with optical cavities, as well as device fabrication, performance characterization, and industrial applications. We explore how these insights can be applied to advance biomedicine and material chemistry research.

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Welcome to the home of one of Optica's newest technical group, Quantum Applications in Biomedicine and Material Chemistry! You can join this technical group by updating your Optica member profile. If you have an idea for an activity for this community, please share them with the chair, Sangyeon Cho.

Name Affiliation Title
Sangyeon Cho Harvard Medical School Chair
Yoseob Yoon Northeastern University Vice Chair
Wenhao Shao Purdue University Online Event Manager

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  3. Assistant Professor in Biophotonics
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