Invited Speakers
18 - 20 December, 2024
IET London: Savoy Place
London, United Kingdom
Invited Speakers
Speakers will be added as confirmed.
Louise Bradley, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Title: Metasurfaces for reprogrammable beamsteering and enhanced light-matter interaction
Grace Brennan, Microsoft, UK
Title: Analog Optical Computing for Faster, Greener AI and Optimization
Lars Brusberg, Corning Research and Development Corporation, USA
Title: Glass Waveguides for Silicon Photonics Connectivity
Juergen Czarske, TU Dresden, Germany and University of Arizona, USA
Title: Fiber-optical Sensing and Communication exploiting physics-informed deep learning and quantum technology
Eleni Diamanti, CNRS, France
Alex Gaeta, Columbia University, USA
Title: Optical Frequency Combs for Data Communications
Alexander Jantzen, Aquark Technologies ltd, UK
Title: Colder than Christmas - Ultra cold matter's journey from lab to field
Ryota Kinoshita, Sumitomo Bakelite, Japan
Title: Optimum core structural design of the polymer optical waveguides for co-packaging
Hideyuki Nasu, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
Title: ELS modules employing an 8-Channel CWDM TOSA for SiPh Transceivers
Nick New, Optalysys Ltd., UK
Title: Enabling a World of Secure Computing through the power of Photonics
Anna Peacock, University of Southampton, UK
Title: Silicon Core Fibers for Nonlinear Photonics: Progress and Trends