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Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Optical Materials and Waveguides (BGPP)

13 - 17 July, 2025

Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Optical Materials and Waveguides (BGPP)

BGPP continues to be a popular meeting for covering state-of-the-art advances in light-matter interactions in optical materials such as fiber, waveguide and gratings in a relaxed and non-pressured atmosphere. This year, the BGPP meeting will celebrate the International year of glass given its prominent role in many of our research. As new directions of research come online, the application of light matter interactions expands, with recent directions including light based additive manufacturing methods for fiber and waveguides. The program is tailored for informal exchanges, forming new partnerships, and reconnecting with colleagues. Attendees come from around the world to participate in this exchange of knowledge. The meeting topics are divided into three main themes: 

  1. Fundamentals of light-matter interactions, glassy and crystalline material processing and poling
    Photon-matter interactions (from below the UV to beyond the infrared, from single photon to multi-photon), the similarity between single and multiphoton processing, ablation regimes, optically induced plasmas and nanostructures, defects, densification, stress, phase transitions, transient index changes, optical invisibility, regeneration, annealing, radiation resistance, special fibers and waveguides processing, 3D printing of glass preform, hybrid and organic photonic platforms, optical localization, solid-state autocatalysis, linear and nonlinear behavior. Novel fabrication methods such as additive manufacturing and other processes are also explored.
  2. Properties of light-written structures and techniques used in their fabrication
    Temperature and strain performance, holographic writing and additive manufacture, point-by-point inscription, phase front tuning, new writing methods, short pitch gratings, long pitch gratings, volume gratings, random gratings, transient properties, non-linear properties, new poling methods, new materials for poling, new materials for waveguides or gratings, new materials for non-linear applications, radiation properties, annealing properties, long term stability, chemical properties, biomedical compatibility, electromagnetic proof.
  3. Industrial standardization and applications of light written structured and poled devices.
    Harsh environmental applications, biomedical applications, diagnostics, structural health monitoring, intelligent networks, telecommunications devices, lasers, sensors, high intensity optical field applications, space applications, switching, routing, instrumentation, interrogation, oil and gas applications, industrial field trials, qualifications, international standards and standardization for different industries and applications, nuclear applications, new industry applications, supercontinuum generation, packaging.
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