We connect 24,000+ members and 500+ companies across 113 countries.

Join Optica to connect globally, advance your career and engage in educational and community programs.

Access cutting-edge advancements, professional networking, and education in optics and photonics.

WorkinOptics is a valuable resource for anyone looking to advance their career or find talent within the optics and photonics community.
Individual Membership
Join Optica and become part of a vibrant community of enthusiasts passionate about optics and photonics.
Corporate Membership
Access a network of customers, suppliers, partners, investors, and talent for new collaboration opportunities.
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Awarded: Distinguished & Honorary Memberships
Members who have demonstrated exemplary service in the advancement of optics and photonics are acknowledged across multiple membership categories.
Highlights for our members

Optica in Focus
News from the Society
Cutting-edge CLEO / Hua named Jean M. Bennett Optica Endowed Chair / Optica Fellow stories / Optica Women Scholars Conference

President's Message
Societal Climate Change
Changes in society affect everyone, including scientists.

Market Report
Integrated Photonics: The Cost of Commercialization
Photonic integrated circuits are promising for many applications, but high front- and back-end costs present challenges to wide adoption.
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