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2024 GEMM Initiative Challenge

Optica Imaging Congress

The Global Environmental Measurement and Monitoring (GEMM) Initiative Challenge

In partnership with the GEMM Initiative, the Optica Imaging Congress and Optica Sensing Congress will present panel discussions on two challenges related to global environmental measurement and monitoring. The organizers will select these two challenges based on interest from the community, as resulting from the paper submission process.

GEMM Panel I: Water Quality and Pollution Monitoring for a Sustainable Future

Presider: Anne-Pia Marty, University of Cambridge, UK

Monday, 15 July, Room Caravelle 2
16:30 – 16:35

Opening Remarks by GEMM Chairs
Michelle Bailey,  National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Tomohiro Oda,  Universities Space Research Association, USA

16:35 – 16:45

Lightning Talks
Sourav Dutta, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Anton Saetchnikov, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Maria Lopera Acosta, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia
Jingyan Chen, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Gianluca Valentini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

16:45 – 17:05

Expert Panel Insights
Christoph Wagner,  Badger Meter Austria GmbH, Austria
Heidi Ottevaere,  Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

17:05 – 17:45

Open Discussion
Live Q&A

18:00 – 19:30

GEMM Reception
Join GEMM Initiative participants for a post-panel reception

GEMM Panel II: Sensing Air Quality, Greenhouse Gases, and Wildfires for a Sustainable Future

Presiders: Roderik Krebbers, Radbound University, Netherlands and Michelle Bailey, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Tuesday, 16 July, Room Caravelle 2
15:30 – 15:35

Opening Remarks by GEMM Chairs
Michelle Bailey,  National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Tomohiro Oda,  Universities Space Research Association, USA

15:35 – 15:45

Lightning Talks
Weidong Chen, Universite du Littoral, France
Sarra Chabbar, 3IT Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Gianluca Valentini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

15:45 – 16:05

Expert Panel Insights
Mark Phillips,  University of Arizona Wyant College of Optical Sciences, USA
Simona Cristescu, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands
Tomohiro Oda,  Universities Space Research Association, USA

16:05 – 16:45

Open Discussion
Live Q&A

16:45 – 17:00

Summary and Closing Remarks

About the GEMM Initiative

Founded through partnership of two international scientific societies, Optica and the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the GEMM Initiative aims to leverage existing and emerging measurement technology to address pervasive environmental and climate challenges impacting diverse communities across the globe.

Through the work of regional GEMM Centers, the Initiative pursues solutions for air and water quality, climate (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions and urban heat islands), environmental contaminants (e.g., microplastics, pathogens, and toxins) and resource management (e.g., water scarcity).

GEMM brings together community leaders, researchers, technology developers and policy shapers to cultivate actionable solutions to community priorities.

Learn more about GEMM. >

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