Optical Sensors (Sensors)
20 - 24 July, 2025
Hilton Long Beach
Long Beach, California USA
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Optical Sensors (Sensors)
Optical sensors have numerous applications in research and development, national defense and commercial markets such as medical diagnostics and process control.
Because of the breadth of applications for optical sensors, the challenges to the design and functioning of an optical sensor for a particular purpose requires intimate knowledge of optical, material and environmental properties that affect sensor performance across physical scales.
Sensors addresses all aspects of optical sensors from source and detection technologies, sensor configurations and processing approaches to applications.
The meeting is arranged in broad topic categories and themes accessible to researchers at any career stage. Beyond the topics listed below, Sensors will be exploring focused topics that are considered timely due to a surge in literature or notoriety. This year’s focus is on quantum dot-based sensing/imaging, in honor of the recent Nobel prize in this area and Photonic Integrated Circuit (PICs) due to the surge in capability for these systems.
Frank Vollmer
University of Exeter, United Kingdom,
Gilberto Brambilla
University of Southampton, United Kingdom,
Program Chair
Katerina Krebber
Federal Institute for Materials Research, Germany,
Program Chair
Paul M. Pellegrino
US Army Research Laboratory, United States,
Program Chair
Filiz Yesilkoy
University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States, Program Chair
Subcommittee Members
Optical Biological and Chemical Sensors
Jennifer Morales, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory, United States, Subcommittee Chair
Peter Zijlstra, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Nikita Toropov, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Foozieh Sohrabi, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Sachin Kumar Srivastava, Indian Institute of Technology Rookee, India
Optical Fiber Sensors
Ali Masoudi, Optoelectronics Research Centre University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Subcommittee Chair
Tanya Hutter, University of Texas at Austin, United States, Subcommittee Chair
Sonia Martin-Lopez, Universidad de Alcala, Spain
Carmen Vazquez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Xin Lu, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und (BAM), Germany
Aldo Minardo, Univ della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
Marcelo Soto, Universidad Téchnica Federico Santa María, Chile
THz Sensors
Mira Naftaly, National Physical Laboratory, UK, Subcommittee Chair
Lars Liebermeister, HHI Fraunhofer, Germany
Ullrich Pfeiffer, Wuppertal Uni, Germany
Laser-Based Sensors
Yoonchan Jeong, Seoul National University, South Korea, Subcommittee Chair
Peter Dragic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
Peter Horak, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Kwang Jo Lee, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Christian Grillet, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
Andrea Fiore, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands