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OIDA Sponsored Webinar: Automated PIC Modelling: A Photonic Neural Network Use Case

25 February 2021 11:00 - 12:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC -05:00)

As the complexity of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) continues to grow, testing environments become more complicated. In this webinar, we will present several simulation testbenches prepared for visualizing typical measurement characteristics. The examples we will discuss include methods for group index verification, simulation of passive circuit transfer functions, characterization of SOAs, and evaluating the transfer characteristic of an Activation Unit for a Photonic Neural Network. These examples will all be demonstrated live using the photonic design automation (PDA) software VPIcomponentMaker Photonic Circuits.


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Andrzej Połatyński, Photonics Application Engineer, VPIphotonics

Andrzej Połatyński joined VPIphotonics as a Photonics Application Engineer in 2016 where he conducts research on PDK development for various technology platforms and provides trainings and workshops focused on simulation and modelling of Photonic Integrated Circuits. Prior to joining VPIphotonics, Andrzej worked as a researcher at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI). He holds a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. Andrzej can be reached via e-mail at





Dr. Onur Düzgöl, Senior Application Engineer, VPIphotonics

Onur Düzgöl obtained his PhD in Computing and Electronic Systems from the University of Essex and conducted research on enhanced modulation dynamics of optically injection-locked tunable laser diodes. He went on to become a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Exeter where he investigated graphene based retroreflective optical modulators. In 2019, Onur joined the Photonics Circuits team at VPIphotonics as a Senior Application Engineer. His research interests include semiconductor laser diodes, photonic neural networks and photonics integrated circuits modelling for quantum communication systems. Onur can be reached via e-mail at




The views expressed in this webinar do not reflect those of OIDA and The Optical Society. 

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