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High Power Fiber Lasers

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This webinar is hosted By: Fiber Optics Technology and Applications Technical Group

10 February 2021 11:00 - 12:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC -05:00)

High-power fiber lasers have become a critical tool for industrial machining and welding, which has helped to drive market value of industrial fiber lasers to well over ~$2B in 2018. Pulsed lasers have also made significant inroad in semiconductor wafer cutting and trimming. There is currently a significant drive to increase the average power of pulsed lasers for higher throughput, typically in the range few hundreds of watts, an area where fiber lasers excel.


There are also many promising future applications which require pulsed fiber lasers with average powers in the many kWs. One is to generate significant amount of light at extremely high frequency through higher-harmonic generations for applications such as photolithography in advanced semiconductor manufacturing. Another is light-particle accelerator. In this webinar hosted by the OSA Fiber Optics Technology and Applications Technical Group, Liang Dong from Clemson University will briefly cover some historic background, current and emerging applications, recent developments of high-power fiber lasers in both near-IR and mid-IR, as well as key challenges and issues.

Subject Matter Level:

  • Intermediate – Assumes basic knowledge of the topic

What You Will Learn:

  • History, science and current applications of high power fiber lasers
  • Latest advancements, challenges and trends in high power laser technology
  • Exciting emerging applications

Who Should Attend:

  • Scientists, students, optical engineers

About the Presenter: Liang Dong, Clemson University

Dr. Dong is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University. He is a fellow of IEEE, OSA and SPIE. Prior to joining Clemson University, he served as senior technical manager at IMRA America Incorporated, R&D director at Lightwaves2020 Incorporated and R&D manager at Corvis Incorporated. He also worked as senior scientist at Corning Incorporated and managed optical fiber fabrication activities at Southampton University. Dr. Dong has over 30 years of experience in research and development in photonics and optical fibers, covering a wide range of topics in materials, designs, simulations, photosensitive processes, nonlinear processes, optical amplifiers, lasers, active/passive optical devices and system integrations for wide range applications such as telecommunications, industrial machining, medical and sensing. He is the author of a recent book on Fiber Lasers: Basics, Technology and Applications, many invited articles and 5 book chapters, and has given a large number of invited talks at international conferences. He has published ~300 papers in scientific journal and conference proceedings and has 27 granted patents. He also served as chair/member on many conference committees, associate editor for IEEE Photonics Technology Letters and IEEE Quantum Electronics, and guest editor for Optical Fiber Technology and Fibers. He currently serves on OSA Advanced Photonics Congress Strategy Steering Committee, on International Steering Committee of Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and as associate editor of Optica.


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