Schools & Training Programs

Siegman School on Lasers
At the Siegman International School on Lasers, created in honor of laser pioneer Anthony Siegman, you will experience a broad overview of laser science and technology like no other. You will have the opportunity to connect with optics and photonics luminaries and 100 international peers.

Career Accelerator on Optics & Photonics
Attend a Career Accelerator to learn more about the culture, language and methodology of the business. This four-day program features renowned corporate executives and thought leaders offering insights on career paths and the professional and personal skills you need to succeed. You’ll connect with experts from optics and photonics companies and an international cohort of peers.

Innovation School
Learn how you can take a great idea and turn it into product or solution… and how to take an idea that isn’t market viable and pivot to a better offering. At the Innovation School, you’ll leverage the lean-canvas model tool to guide your team as you race towards a pitch at the end of the four-day program. You’ll leave this event with a new perspective and skills for being an entrepreneur/intrapreneur. Get ready to be challenged, inspired, and gain an new network and connections with fellow leaders and innovators in our industry.

Level Up
Are you leading a team for the first time? Are you feeling like an imposter in your current role? Do you know how to handle conflicts between colleagues? Register to attend Level Up Leadership to explore these questions and gain the communication and leadership skills necessary to advance your career to the next level.

Amplify Optics Immersion
The Amplify Optics Immersion Program is designed to highlight the research, technology and careers in optics and photonics for Black undergraduate and master's students. Co-located with Optica's annual meeting Frontiers in Optics (FiO) and Student Leadership, participating students will attend a dedicated program and participate in FiO technical and professional development sessions and student activities.

IONS events take place they day before select Optica events and give students the opportunity to connect with both the event's leadership and volunteers as well as new colleagues and peers worldwide. Content ranges from scientific to professional development depending on the meeting.