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Ms. Khushmeet K Dhaliwal

Honoring Prof. Kostadinka Bizheva
University of Waterloo

Submitted by Ms. Khushmeet K Dhaliwal University of Waterloo

Prof. Kostadinka Bizheva

I'm beyond honoured to write this for my PhD supervisor, Prof. Kostadinka Bizheva. I've been working with her for over 2 years and it has been a delight to work with her. She allows for a perfect balance of guidance and independence in research that helps you learn better and push yourself to attain higher goals. Needless to say, she's very hardworking and always willing to help. This extends beyond just research! As someone who has had a difficult past and struggles with mental health, my supervisor has been as supportive as I could expect someone to be. She's always willing to help and checks in on a regular basis. I'm grateful to be working with such an amazing supervisor! Thank you for everything!

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