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Tatevik Chalyan

Honoring Rayssa Bruzaca de Andrade
NKT Photonics

Submitted by Tatevik Chalyan Vrije Universiteit Brussel

 Rayssa Bruzaca de Andrade

Being brave is not enough for a new start in science. One would need a support system and people willing to teach and share knowledge. From the first minute we were introduced to each other, Rayssa became the lighthouse for me to guide in the complicated world of quantum biology. I will always be enormously thankful for her openness to bringing me into the field and encouraging me to follow my true passion. She is the queen of squeezed light for me! And I am not the only one who has been though of quantum optics by Rayssa. She puts tremendous effort to motivate young girls to study quantum physics in Denmark and beyond.

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