Harold E. Edgerton
Harold E. Edgerton
OSA Fellow Harold E Edgerton received his undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska, Doc began graduate work at MIT, where he received his master's degree in 1927 and his doctorate in 1931. The following year, he joined the faculty of MIT, where he spent his career.
An entrepreneur as well as a scientist and engineer, he was a founding partner of EG&G, a corporation named for its founders, Edgerton, Kenneth J. Germeshausen and Herbert E. Grier, that specialized in electronic technology. Edgerton also had a long-time collaboration with Jacques-Yves Cousteau in undersea research.
He received many awards for his work, including OSA’s David Richardson Medal in 1968.
He passed away in 1990.
Document Created: 26 Jul 2023
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2023