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Traveling Lecturer: An Experience to Remember

Anderson S L Gomes, Universidad Federal of Pernambuco, Brazil, OSA Fellow

It was my first - hopefully not the last - experience as OSA traveling lecturer, which was very enriching both scientifically, personally and from the cultural pooint of view. Although I had been in India before, this time I interacted with students in different places (Mumbai, Chandigarh and Delhi). The students were very pro-active during the talks, as well as the professors who attended (about 25 people in the audience). I visited several labs where the students showed their ongoing work, som e of which was of mutual interest. I firmly believe this is one of the most important OSA programs, together with the Students Chapters program itself, since gives the students opportunity to discuss their research with more experienced people from abroad. For the OSA members, it is very important to know their local way of life both personal and scientific, which by the way was of very high standard. It was a fantastic experience.

Image for keeping the session alive